New Cutting Need Help!


Well-Known Member
So today I got a new Cutting from a friend.

I have it in my box now in about a 12-16oz dixie filled with soil/perlite.
When we cut it we didnt have clone gel so we just dipped it in water and put it in the soil then watered the cup with some water that has nutes mixed in.

I'm new to all tis so I don't know what I should do.

I have it in the cup with a sandwich bag over the top to keep it really humid, (my box is not humid at all right now).

its sitting under 8 26 Watt CFL 6500K(total 12800 Lumens). timers set to 18on/6off
It's running about 90 deg F

What should I do??

I need to get more soil still so I can move when roots take hold
How do I know when they have?

Also, best soil and nutes to get from home depot or walmart?


Active Member
hmm i cant give you the most advice on cloning (never done it) but i can tell you this, 90 deg F is WAY to high. anything above 85 is not good, and still 85 is still pushing it id get those temps dropped ASAP.
as far as what you should do, is just wait it out and see if it makes it. i donno how well they will be able to grow roots without rotting gel, just keep it humid as u are doing and get the temps to between 65-85, i bought my nutes at lowes , my first grow i used mirical grow Potting soil and mirical All purpose plant food. and thats what im using on my current grow right now and have had no problems with it.
Good luck with ur little one


Well-Known Member
First, be careful with nutes this young. Clones are delicate enough, you'll nute burn them quick.

Second, make sure you're venting (removing) that bag at least once a day so the air around the clone doesn't get stale. And consider an anti-transpirant spray instead of the bag.

Third, see what you can do to lower those temps by about 10*F.

Fourth, "best" soil is a big argument...just go with the Miracle Grow or Scotts or whatever you can find, just don't skimp on cost. Spend a few extra bucks on "good stuff". Most soils from Wal-Mart will probably have some nutes in it, so read over the bag carefully, and think about it when you go to fertilize again. If you can find anything from Fox Farm, get it.

Don't stress. It's pretty easy to grow this weed, all the "advanced" stuff is for squeezing out perfection.


Well-Known Member
So today I got a new Cutting from a friend.

I have it in my box now in about a 12-16oz dixie filled with soil/perlite.
When we cut it we didnt have clone gel so we just dipped it in water and put it in the soil then watered the cup with some water that has nutes mixed in.

I'm new to all tis so I don't know what I should do.

I have it in the cup with a sandwich bag over the top to keep it really humid, (my box is not humid at all right now).

its sitting under 8 26 Watt CFL 6500K(total 12800 Lumens). timers set to 18on/6off
It's running about 90 deg F

What should I do??

I need to get more soil still so I can move when roots take hold
How do I know when they have?

Also, best soil and nutes to get from home depot or walmart?
What a clone gel does is introduce an acid that eats at the stem coating and promote root growth. It helps alot if you guys did use some but you can clone without using it. Just takes longer to root and success rate goes down. Becareful with using nutrients on cuttings alot of people kill their babies with fertilization kindness. Good Soils have enough nutrients to sustain and promote growth for cuttings and/or seedlings for days. 90 degrees is way too hot put in a fan if you can. That is why I clone into rockwool prior to placing in soil. Once I see a healthy root system coming out then I transplant. Maybe someone else would have a suggestion for you on that topic from here.


Well-Known Member
The fertilizer is very diluted. its almost all water with just a little bit of his nute water that was already mixed.

I'll give it less from now on though. just clean water for now?

To combat the heat I turned 4 of my 26watt CFLs off, leaving it with the other 4.

I'm only growing one plant so my original estimate on lighting is way over.
I was planning on 2 plants from seed originally, but he let me have a cutting so I was like sure!

I remove the bag a few times and spray it with filtered water a little to keep it humid.

Hopefully she makes it!!


Well-Known Member
hey surf you didnt have to turn those lights off. turn em back on and get a fan and some ventilation going dude!


Well-Known Member
hey surf you didnt have to turn those lights off. turn em back on and get a fan and some ventilation going dude!
I'm doing that shortly.

I have 1 exahust fan plugged in and running, but I just have a hole for intake right now. Pretty sure thats the problem.haha

I have to rewire the fan to plug in the wall then hopefully all will be well.

But how do I keep the humidity in my box with all that circulation?

will the lower heat keep in the moisture??


Well-Known Member
well idealy you are looking for 40-60 percent humidity during veg and 25-40 percent during flowering, because its a small space and you have that much light you shouldnt have a problem with humidity , because you will be watering and some will evaporate in the air ect. but what you really dont want is too much humidity! i.e. ventilation is fricken important. the lower heat will let your plants grow nice and fat and wont mold buds!


Well-Known Member
well idealy you are looking for 40-60 percent humidity during veg and 25-40 percent during flowering, because its a small space and you have that much light you shouldnt have a problem with humidity , because you will be watering and some will evaporate in the air ect. but what you really dont want is too much humidity! i.e. ventilation is fricken important. the lower heat will let your plants grow nice and fat and wont mold buds!
Ok then. Well I'll see how it the heat is once I fix my intake fan, I currently have 12800 Lumen in 3 sq.ft. which from what I hear is more than enough for that space.

Though I also hear More Lumens help to Produce a better product.

So I dont know.

I'm making a journal later tonight to keep up with things better.


Well-Known Member
good idea i keep a daily log with 3 times daily that i check the temp humidity soil bugs etc. it also will help for future grows and is just fun. i have 5 6500k cfls vegging 3 plants in a 1.5x2x2 space and the plants love it. i also have one 2700k in there just for full spectrum, i have a 9 inch fan in there and i leave one door of the cabinet cracked with the back of the fan facing it my temp has never changed from 75 degrees and the plants are shooting up! the more lumens the faster and healthier the plant and buds will be!


Well-Known Member
OK! So I will try to proceed with those lights then. I fixed my intake fan and temp dropped and humidity rose about 10%(it was too low in the box itself).

However, my intake fan is stronger than my exhaust fan. Is this bad or ok? I have a few holes poked in it to help more circulation.


Well-Known Member
thats absolutely fine it simple means the quantity of fresh air comin in is greater than that of the air being expelled. better that than the reverse!
way to be proactive and get shit done!


Well-Known Member
Yea. I'm trying to be on top of things so this little girl will make it through. I just hope giving it those nutes yesterday wasn't too much.

Mr Minger

Active Member
Personally I'd use just one or two 23w bulbs (for one clone!)... No hurry... just keep it alive for the first 2 weeks.(Lights are like a running machine... you can only go as quick as you can replace the energy!... a plant needs roots first i.e. walk b4 it can run - it is only a baby!)

The exhaust fans will be useless at this stage if you have a bag over the plant The bag is like a green house, so long as the sun is there it will stay warm/hot. If the box is 90 then inside the bag is a lot higher. Remove from the box, place plant (still in bag) out of direct sunlight. Slowly (over a couple of days) remove the bag so that it is ok in the natural indoor environ... then add to the grow room (once you have got the room to less than 80F)

A heated germination tray to heat the soil & promote root growth.

No nutes for at least 2 weeks... no hurry, just keep it alive. I wouldnt use MG soil as I think this is slow release (stick with for now but not when U repot).

I used to use a 2l plastic coke bottle with the base cut off instead of the bag... loosen the top slightly so it will allow the bottle to breathe as the heat rises & falls (also changes the air a bit).

The biggest prob I've had is when removeing the plant from the high humid environment... High humidity opens up the stomata in the leaves (sweat glands), so you need to gradually lower the humidity (to let them close) before you place it under big lights or it will just sweat itself to death (wilt & die)! If you use a coke bottle you can loosen & then remove the tops over a couple of days. this will slowly balance the humidity between the two environments... leave it a couple of days befor you then add more light.

These days I use a 2nd hand fishtank with light hood (cheap on the Bay) lined with reflective sheeting, growlux tubes, and a heated germination tray in the bottom... seems to work ok. No need for bags or coke bottles, germination tray keeps the temp ok, tank lights usually have a timmer (get one that does), humidity is kept at a good level. You may need to use boxes etc to raise the germ tray & plants to & from the lights.

GL. MR Minger (UK).

I can do germination & clones ok... its the rest I seem to struggle with!


Well-Known Member
Personally I'd use just one or two 23w bulbs (for one clone!)... No hurry... just keep it alive for the first 2 weeks.(Lights are like a running machine... you can only go as quick as you can replace the energy!... a plant needs roots first i.e. walk b4 it can run - it is only a baby!)

The exhaust fans will be useless at this stage if you have a bag over the plant The bag is like a green house, so long as the sun is there it will stay warm/hot. If the box is 90 then inside the bag is a lot higher. Remove from the box, place plant (still in bag) out of direct sunlight. Slowly (over a couple of days) remove the bag so that it is ok in the natural indoor environ... then add to the grow room (once you have got the room to less than 80F)

A heated germination tray to heat the soil & promote root growth.

No nutes for at least 2 weeks... no hurry, just keep it alive. I wouldnt use MG soil as I think this is slow release (stick with for now but not when U repot).

I used to use a 2l plastic coke bottle with the base cut off instead of the bag... loosen the top slightly so it will allow the bottle to breathe as the heat rises & falls (also changes the air a bit).

The biggest prob I've had is when removeing the plant from the high humid environment... High humidity opens up the stomata in the leaves (sweat glands), so you need to gradually lower the humidity (to let them close) before you place it under big lights or it will just sweat itself to death (wilt & die)! If you use a coke bottle you can loosen & then remove the tops over a couple of days. this will slowly balance the humidity between the two environments... leave it a couple of days befor you then add more light.

These days I use a 2nd hand fishtank with light hood (cheap on the Bay) lined with reflective sheeting, growlux tubes, and a heated germination tray in the bottom... seems to work ok. No need for bags or coke bottles, germination tray keeps the temp ok, tank lights usually have a timmer (get one that does), humidity is kept at a good level. You may need to use boxes etc to raise the germ tray & plants to & from the lights.

GL. MR Minger (UK).

I can do germination & clones ok... its the rest I seem to struggle with!
Unfortunately I can't afford all those things.

I took out some of my lights and the temp dropped dramatically, down to 80 in like 5 minutes. I have my intake fan blowing on my lights now to help move some heat also.

Plant is a little wilty(on leaf tips) but mostly still green, I think its in shock or something still.

Just gave it so filtered water today, enough to keep soil moist, not wet or dry.

raised it up so a 1 light is more on the middle of the cup and 1 is by the plant, 3rd light off to the side but still on. other lights are off.

About how long does it usually take a clone to produce roots?
1 week, 2 weeks?

Mr Minger

Active Member
Sorry, I got a bit carried away... what u've done sounds perfic!... try not to over-react to everything thing it does...

Re- Roots...
Personally, I would say at least 2 weeks before you try to repot... then start low level nutes.

Attached a pic of some cuttings I took yesterday - trim the ends of the big leaves.



Well-Known Member
Sorry, I got a bit carried away... what u've done sounds perfic!... try not to over-react to everything thing it does...

Re- Roots...
Personally, I would say at least 2 weeks before you try to repot... then start low level nutes.

Attached a pic of some cuttings I took yesterday - trim the ends of the big leaves.
Alright cool. Yea I don't have any leaves that big that would need trimming, I just had a few further down the stalk I had to snip.

So should I water with the root stimulator once? It's MG Quick Start. it says to mix half a cap(about 1 tsp I think?) into a gallon of water. Then it says to water it once with that, then agian 1 week later.
Supposed to use clean water the other times it's watered during that week.
I haven't used any yet.
Would that be a good thing to use or should I wait a few days/week?