New flower growth during flush


I am growing two Whiteberry plants using a combination of DWC/drip. According to the internet, this strain has a 50-55 day flowering cycle. This period correlates well with my plants (or so I thought) and they have been flowering for 8 weeks, however I recently put them into the final flush (for one week now) and I have seen a lot of new pistil growth. The trichomes currently appear ready (also the buds have about 70% red hairs) and the growth definitely slowed down and the flowers fattened up prior to the flush. This is my first true grow (i've down one other in the aerogarden) and I am not sure what to make of this. Any ideas?

I have attached a couple pics of some outer buds (taken with iPhone) because the main colas are difficult to capture, although they have even more new growth. One picture shown with a main cola in the background was taken prior to the new growth.




To see new growth this late is pretty standard. I look at it's final stand to survive. You 'could' start now, however, it will only get better the longer you wait. I'd wait til those new hairs you see now begin to turn then chop it based on your preference. If it were me I'd wait another 10 days or so.
Thanks for the responses. I am going to wait one more week before the chop.

With respect to the additional growth, I think I have it figured out. As you can see from my images, there is a bit of a potassium deficiency (shown by the brown/orange edges of the leaves) which was caused by excess salt buildup. The excess salts occurred because I did not change the reservoirs for each plant for the last month or so (the buds were all tied up and I did not want to risk snapping the stems). Once I flushed the nutrients out, i.e. removed the excess salts, the plant was allowed to grow additionally from the stored nutrients. This will likely help the flavor of the bud because the nutrients are actually being used by the plant to help remove them.

What do you think of this analysis?


Well-Known Member
plants will typically have a last hurrah and throw out a few more flowers. I grow Chronic that gets horns of bud growing outwards from the tops of the colas.

Your hypothesis about flushing making locked up nutrients available again is plausible but it's really just a normal part of the maturation process.

You DON'T have a light leak.

Give them another week.