New gardner!

Hey just picked up a like new machine, the veggie plus for 100$ is this a good deal?

I never did anything like this where should I start? what do i need to do to start this?

Some of my questions...

So I know there is cycles and whatever I have looked around and searched the forum but not sure what the terms mean like when you guys say "you should be flowering" or PHing the water... im assuming thats a test of some sort...

Do I need to germinate or can i throw the seeds in the tubes and go? how many you do you recomend I do? can you buy empty tubes or do you need to buy a certain plant and customize the tube?

thanks in advanceee


Well-Known Member
Mikey: you've got a lot of homework to do before you should be using your Aerogarden. Get Cervantes's book, "MARIJUANA HORTICULTURE," and read everything you can get your hands on from Aerogarden. If you do you'll have a much easier time getting started.

If the one you bought has seven planting holes, three high intensity CFLs in the hood and the arm extends to 24 inches, you stole it for $100, and you're good to go. Fill it up with water and make sure it works then you need to start reading before you start growing. HSA