New grow op in action.. open for more ideas


Hey yall,

I have been around for awhile now, looking at peoples grows and getting ideas for when i get my first house... i have a 1000 watt bulb/ballast hood magnetic MH/HPS magnetic ballast

400 watt ballast / bulb and hood

3.. 84 inch light movers

2.. t-5 badboy 2 foot 4 blub

1.. t-5 bad boy 4 foot 4 bulb

i want to have a harvest every week. i will have 2 cheese bomb and 2 berry bomb mother plants that i will clone off of and put into my 2 9 site cloners.

the cloners will be under the 4 foot t-5 bad boy will all veg tubes

the mothers will be under the 400 watt light

for the flower room i will have the 1000 watt on the middle light mover in an inclosed air cool system

then on both sides of the lights to be the t-5 bad boys will 3 floral tubes and 1 veg tube in each one

i want to run 8 9 site ntf systems that will be built with fence post and they will be ech there own set up..

the tables will be built on wheels so i can mover them around easy

i am planing todo a sog so i get a crop every week..
week 1 cheese bomb
week 2 berry bomb
week 3 chesse bomb
and so on and so forth
up to week 8...

i need help on nutes because i have never done a hydro grow only soil and have grown these bomb buds for a cupple grows.. so i get the strains but now i wanna do hydro becasue the soil its to much to get rid off with 9 plants getting harvest every week.. is this enof light or to much.. do my mothers need more or less light and what about my clones do they need more.. is the ntf system good for this or should i do a dwc or rdwc or idk anything.. i am open to ideas.. have some time because the house i am buying is a short sale...

thanks for reading ... respond with your knowledge..


Well-Known Member
IF your gonna do a 9plant harvest every week good luck.Do you know how much work thts gonna be and how many plants,clones,veggers your going to have a ready?I wish you luck but think your gonna need more than a 1k and have 3 to 4 flower stations.Google Heath Robinsons perpetual on You tube he does 3 flower with 600s.



Well-Known Member
A bit of time trying to manage what you say you want should sober you up a bit. Come back then. Otherwise, your lack of expertise makes this a fool's errand.


Well-Known Member
I think you should see if you can grow a few plants successfully in hydro before writing your business plan.


Well-Known Member
i dont care how many light movers you have, you will be wasting time even thinking about that many plants under that puny amount of light. you need at least 3-4k in lights for what you want. i run 3 3 rail, 12 site systems and harvest every three weeks, its a lot of work, and use 3k hps on them. read and plan, then read some more.


Active Member
i dont care how many light movers you have, you will be wasting time even thinking about that many plants under that puny amount of light. you need at least 3-4k in lights for what you want. i run 3 3 rail, 12 site systems and harvest every three weeks, its a lot of work, and use 3k hps on them. read and plan, then read some more.
Just out of curiosity, your 3 weekly yield is how much and how long flowering???


Well-Known Member
the 3rd 1k is new to the room because i have been trying different parabolic hoods and reflectors and also cooling systems. i will not have an idea on added difference for a few weeks, but with the 2k i have been averaging 3-3.5oz per plant with an 8-9 week flowering time depending on what strains are in. i can say that bare bulbs suck. i tried a vertical idea, dont do it. really liked the parabolics but not as much light intensity directed down when taking measurements but had a great spread and have their place in big area grows. the biggest issues were ph, which had been very easily maintained would drop very low because of bare bulbs. and then the ac had to work much harder than with air cooled so that extra use should go to lights. so we will see what adding 50% more light will do in a very tested enviroment.