New grow setup, looking for advice on soil vs flood and drain


Hello all!

I wanted to give you guys a big thank you in advance for any advice you have.

My current grow room is 12 by 15, an indoor master bedroom. The two walk in closets will be used for cloning under CFLs, and the his and hers bathroom will provide water and indoor drainage, as well as a place to disinfect before entering the grow space. The space will be framed with rectangle blocks made out of 2" plastic pipe, which we have in abundance, and lined with panda plastic. The room will be populated by two 4'x8'x10" tables built out of wood, lined with pond liner, and each table will be topped with a 600w/1000w\600w HPS setup for lighting. The room will be ventilated, exhaust going through a carbon filter and into the attic. Intake will come from a window, from the coldest side of the house (and a neighbor who also grows indoors, he's cool). The room will be temperature controlled by not only central air, but by A/C and heat fans (We're aiming for a steady 74* F because the strain that we're cloning prefer's it).

My big question, the "big debate", is should I use Raised Soil Beds indoors, or a Flood and Drain table with hydroton and net pots? Both 4x8x10" tables will be accessible from all sides for ease of hand watering if going with soil, or for checking up and inspecting plants in either setup. The big pain I have with soil is-
1) Hand watering every individual plant,
2) the soil would be really heavy, possibly expensive, and not reusable without treatments and remixing in new soil,
3) The soil would weigh more than the Hydroton, making elevating the table a more risky affair.

My fear of Ebb and Flow (Flood and Drain) is-
1) I constantly hear that "hydro is less forgiving"
2) My partner wants the soil grow, but I believe his yield in his given timeframe isn't achievable without the benefits of hydroponics. (I'm worried he wont continue to help finance the operation if we don't use his preferred method)

That's about it. Other than that, I'm fascinated with hydroponics, and really feel that I'd be more involved and engaged with the Ebb and Flow tables (even in their apparent simplicity). I've even seriously considered a DWC system, as that fascinates me to no end (I plan on a setup in my garage in a year that will have four 9 bucket DWC systems all two weeks ahead of each other.

Not to say I'm not willing to put my 100% best effort into a soil setup, it just doesn't interest me as much. I will still do my best to maintain the perfect environment for my plants.

Which would you guys suggest? Should I make my case for Ebb and Flow to my partner, or should I just take his advice and go with the soil setup, even if it isn't as productive or engaging?

my room and my current electrical equipment. Everything else is in the garage, in the mail, or on the way.

Best Regards,


Active Member
I think you growing to have to do both the soil for your partner and the grow some the way you want with that much space have you thought maybe go with aquaponics. Idk but fish growing your plants sounds cool.


Active Member
Wow, decisions be up for hours thinking about that one..personally id go for soil. lots of water and ballasts could be dodgy....


I guess a soil related question would be, how do I manage drainage from the table if it's indoors? Do I frame it up on legs and put drains in with perhaps a layer of hydroton at the bottom of the bed?


Well-Known Member
This is your first ever grow and you're starting with all of that? Hydro, is not something I would recommend for beginners.


Active Member
I guess a soil related question would be, how do I manage drainage from the table if it's indoors? Do I frame it up on legs and put drains in with perhaps a layer of hydroton at the bottom of the bed?
Yup. I got my plants in a stealth cab on a raised grill, I just put a motorcycles oil collection pan underneath them to catch the water.


I've heard the same thing many times, and I'm a hair away from heeding the warning and securing my hydro dreams in the "some time in the future drawer" in my brain. =P

I've also read/heard that ebb and flow is a relatively simple system, but the consensus seems to be soil. I'll defer to my betters.

I imagine I mix the soil with a medium to help with aeration and drainage, do you have any recommendations from personal experience? I've once again only read that Perlite or Vermiculite do very well when mixed 40-50% with soil.


Well-Known Member
go with mostly soil and a few hydrow and when you complete a hydrow grow your parfner might change his mind when he sees how fast that they grow but remember theres a lot of things that can go wrong with hydro theres no buffer like in soil


Active Member
Can your friend just use Buckets and not a raised bed? Sell him on Air Buckets or something likethat... OR... you can get the bag of soil and simply open t e top and growright in it... When you harvest dump it in the back yard.