New Grow Tent Set Up


new grower in w. illinois and have a lot to learn. My wife and I have started with the following:

400watt hps in a new 4' 9" x 4' 9" x 6' 7" grow tent with inline ac fan. ff & perlite soil mix waiting on super skunk seeds from Amsterdam!

ff bigbloom noots in hand...

Any thoughts on what I might have missed.


Well-Known Member
Quite a bit actually from your post

you need a different light for veg 6500K most use MH but for veg you can use cfl's, flouros T5's

that HPS will work but will not give you good veg growth

a way to test PH

a light meter is a good idea

a way to deal with odor

a plan to get fresh air to em

a thermometer and hygrometer to monitor temp & humidity

a plan to ph your water up or down and what type of water your gonna use


have ph tester, getting a 2nd blower for the fresh air and bringing in on the low side...also have thermometer and hygrometer, was going to try to use for both veg and flower for this first grow. ff big bloom for nutrient and using tap water out after 48 hours

I have the space and can do a veg booth but was going to see how i did.

and THANK YOU for the help!!


Well-Known Member
I would suggest that you consider using bagseed for first grow so you see what I'm talking about with HPS for veg

don't waste your quality seeds

also invite you to check out my NooB Advice thread (sig link) A lot of good info there to get you going


riddleme - i really appreciate your help as it is obviously much needed. no bagseed here...i actually haven't partaken in many years...medical conditions cause me to seek out a new remedy and i'm just sick of/from what i am given...unfortunately no medmj law here so am trying to go on my own...i don't even know anyone who smokes anymore.

will definately read thru your thread...much appreciation...


Well-Known Member
riddleme - i really appreciate your help as it is obviously much needed. no bagseed here...i actually haven't partaken in many years...medical conditions cause me to seek out a new remedy and i'm just sick of/from what i am given...unfortunately no medmj law here so am trying to go on my own...i don't even know anyone who smokes anymore.

will definately read thru your thread...much appreciation...
I understand

feel free to ask me questions there when you read it you will see I answer questions there everyday :bigjoint: