new grow.


greetings fellow stoners im planning on doing a grow in a few weeks in my loft and im growing in grow chambers im growing a mixture of indicas and sativas but im going to use cfl's for lighting could anybody tell me how many watts ill need in each tent. cheers.:weed:


New Member
That really depends man, How big are your tents? basically, the more the better.can you fit some reg tube floros in them to? if so, do so.when i did my cfl grow. i had about5 or 600 watts. so the more the better. also, dont think when you buy cfl,s, when it says 200 watts thats what your getting, thats just an equivilant number to the true wattage. you can buy65 watt floros at wal mart for around 19 bucks a peice. keep your cfls as close as you can to(about an inch or 2 away is good).just pack those cfls in their bro and your plants will love you for it. just be careful with heat, cfls dont put hardly any heat out, but if you have enough they will so make sure you have a fan oscilating....good luck some pics when you get it rolling....:weed: