new grower, 400 watt ht in veg, progressive yellowing from bottom upwards


leaves are wilting becoming yellow and then fallowing off from the bottom moving upwards. initially yellowing begins in leaf tips and works inwards and upwards. ph is normal around 7, light is 8-10 inches away with a fan blowing over the tops. watering sceduele is every 2-3 days with fox farm grow big once a week at quarter tsp volume. not sure what could be causing this as the dirt is foxfarm ocean mix and should technically still have enough primary and secondary nutrients. ive eased off on ferts as this is the only thing i could imagine to be doing this but would appreciate it if someone could let me know whats happening. thanks guys



pots are some cheap plastic grow pots i got at a local hydro store, they already have holes in them, and the drainage seems to be pretty good.


Active Member
You will find that with a problem, there are many causes. But lets look at what you have here.

The soil seems wet enough - so consider your drainage (as the other poster sugested) and also consider if you are maybe overfeeding.
If you give nutes every 2 to 3 days it may be what is giving you the problem. Maybe give just water for a week and then start giving weak nutes with the water etc etc. Again let me say it may not be the problem.

Have you got a fan on those leaves? The leaves shed toxins and the wind help to vaporate them. If it just sits there on the leaf it will cause disease. You may know this, I am just tryin to mention all possibles as I see it.

To me they look as if they are not draining well and maybe they are getting a bit much nutes. Try repotting in a bigger pot, put lots of drainage chips down and have lots of pealite in the soil mix. But you need your soil to closely match what you have now. This is very important as the roots would not like to go from one soil type to another. All you want to do it to increase the drainage.

Others may disagree with me, I can just say what I find works for me.