new grower, any tips


im grown under a 400w setup. im using ffof soil i have the three step nuts 2 ,should i have waited 30 days to feed them wit the nutes cuz i heard the soil has nutes 4 30 days.i have them under 18/6 right now they have been under the light 4 about 3 weeks using a mh bulb i have another 400w light in there but its not in use cuz it has a hps bulb. im waiting to get another mh bulb.some one give me there opinion or thoughts


Using the mh and hps at the same time would be great for a full spectrum your plants will love you for that..
Also you should hold off on feeding since the soil has nutes in it already your plants will let you know when they are hungry.

Sir. Gonzo

New Member
You should start seedlings in the fox farm seedling starter mix called light warrior.. It helps with root stimulation and promotes strong healthy growth. Then as soon as they need to be transplanted into bigger pots, you transfer them to ffof. While seedlings are still in light warrior you may follow the Fox Farms feeding schedule but only about a quarter to half strength of the recommended doses . But if you started them off in ffof as I did my first grow they will be ok for first 30 days or so but you may see slight nute burn as ffof is hot for seedlings. Also no sure what strain your growing but those plants look a bit stretched.. Maybe bring the light a little closer if possible.. Good luck and enjoy!


ive heard that bout the nutes but wasnt gna hold off on the nutes 4 now atleast 4 another week or so..ive fed them with the nute 1 or 2 times. u think that will hurt them? im gna drop that light n see how they like u think 1 mh and 1 hps is better than 2 mh


i dont kno wat plants r which the strains r chem dawg ,cotton candy, and far should the light b from the tallest plant


also some pots have 2 plants in them..some one gave me these clones n i had some room to grow them im tryn to learn as i every lil helps thnx

Sir. Gonzo

New Member
Well do your best to keep the canopy even . Even if you have to prop some pots up on books. With my 400 I try to keep my light between 8-12" from foliage. You can use the back of your hand to test the height and heat proximity.. Put the back of your hand @ foliage level , if it gets the slightest bit "uncomfortable" for your hand then it is def uncomfortable for your ladies.. Get light as close as possible ! If need be attach a 6" clip on fan to your reflector or just pointed directly between the bulb and foliage.. This should also help you get the light a few inches closer to foliage.


Active Member
Well do your best to keep the canopy even . Even if you have to prop some pots up on books. With my 400 I try to keep my light between 8-12" from foliage. You can use the back of your hand to test the height and heat proximity.. Put the back of your hand @ foliage level , if it gets the slightest bit "uncomfortable" for your hand then it is def uncomfortable for your ladies.. Get light as close as possible ! If need be attach a 6" clip on fan to your reflector or just pointed directly between the bulb and foliage.. This should also help you get the light a few inches closer to foliage.
Well Sir. Gonzo is leading you in the right direction so you will do good to listen to him, but to answer your question about the lights. Having 1 MH and 1 HPS is ALWAYS better than 2 MH, and you run that the intire veg and bloom stage and you will never have to change the setup unless you want to and more.
I use nothing but T5 HO 8 bulb fixtures so I mix 4 6500K and 4 3000K and it does very well, so I say if it aint broke dont fix it. Good luck buddy!!!!!
Well Sir. Gonzo is leading you in the right direction so you will do good to listen to him, but to answer your question about the lights. Having 1 MH and 1 HPS is ALWAYS better than 2 MH, and you run that the intire veg and bloom stage and you will never have to change the setup unless you want to and more.
I use nothing but T5 HO 8 bulb fixtures so I mix 4 6500K and 4 3000K and it does very well, so I say if it aint broke dont fix it. Good luck buddy!!!!!
basically both lights mixed are better than just one kind..
One thing i will say to you right now... They are weeds!! pretty resilient little fuckers lol. but i will say kinda what everyone has said up to here. Less is more! its harder to fix nute burn than to fix a deficiency. are you gonna take any clones from these before you flower?

+REP .. subscribed

ive heard that bout the nutes but wasnt gna hold off on the nutes 4 now atleast 4 another week or so..ive fed them with the nute 1 or 2 times. u think that will hurt them? im gna drop that light n see how they like u think 1 mh and 1 hps is better than 2 mh


idk i dont want to i jus got theses 4 free and i had space to grow them.i was thinkin bout an entirely diff crop. theses strains r cotton candy,chem dawg, and purple but i dont know which plants r which they werent labeled wen i got u think i should take clones?


i just added the 400w hps tell me wat u think plz


idk i dont want to i jus got theses 4 free and i had space to grow them.i was thinkin bout an entirely diff crop. theses strains r cotton candy,chem dawg, and purple but i dont know which plants r which they werent labeled wen i got u think i should take clones?

Hell yes .. here is why i say that too. On my very first grow I had some seeds that I saved over the year and also got one plant from a buddy, and just like you I wasn't sure if i would take any because I didn't want to keep the same type and wanted some new shizzy! long story short after a month into flowering there was one of the plants that i was just in love with. It didnt burn easily, had really good node spacing and the buds were gorgeous. I however had no way at this point to save this baby for another round. Hindsight being what it is I really wish i would have taken like 2 clones of each and labeled them so i knew what was what. that way if one of them just blows your mind you will have off spring .. IF NOT...throw em away! also a good learning experience if you haven't taken clones before.


Well-Known Member
another thing to consider with using a 400 watt light, it doesn't make sense to grow monsters. a 400 can penetrate about 24 inches. just food for thought. good luck


I'm don't think I'm gna take clones cuz I don't kno way plant is which.. They weren't labeled wen I got them and some pots have 2 plants diff strains.. That's how I got them
I'm don't think I'm gna take clones cuz I don't kno way plant is which.. They weren't labeled wen I got them and some pots have 2 plants diff strains.. That's how I got them

You could number the plants you have 1-whatever and the label the clones in accordance. Just a thought. but then again if your gonna be able to get some more then its not a huge deal.