New Grower Health Check



This is my post so i apologise should I do something wrong. After many weeks of searching through all the information on this site, I decided to take the plunge and grow two plants in hydro using rockwool. I currently have super silver haze, and blue cheese growing in a wardrobe currently under a 300W dual spectrum cfl. It is some kind of custom built top drip system and they get a 15min watering every 3 days. I think my environment is ok, temps around 72F and humidity ranges from 68-78% with constant air flow. Lights are 20/4. They are currently 19 days old. Thats when they first broke the surface. A couple of days ago they started to wilt and kind of went limp. So I increased watering to everyday which I think was a wrong move. The stems started to droop and I was sure that this was overwatered. So I let them dry out for a couple of days. The stems perked up but the leaves were a little limp. So i decided to add a 1/4 strength nutrients to my tank. The next day I checked and the plants had seemed to come back to life.

I thought excellent. I still plan to water every 3 days as the rockwool. 2 6 inch cubes stacked on top of each other retain a lot of moisture.

I have noticed yellowing/lime green colouring starting to appear in the leaves, its kind of small and blotchy on the super silver haze, and the blue cheese, the older leaves are darker but its new growth is lime green. I am very unsure of the cause and would like a little steering in the right direction. I have attached images and would really appreciate some advice. Oh i forgot to mention my nutrients are ionic grow hw and my ph ranges from 5.2-6.8. I always add ph down to around 5.2 then after about 2-3 days it will increase to 6.x. I change my tank as it is a recirculating system, every week.

Thanks all.



Active Member
they look very healthy ... good job... And... Welcome to riu !! hope you enjoy your stay ... read, read ,and then read a little more - so much info here mmmmhmmm


Thank-you for the quick reply. I seem to be spending my life reading through all the information, and if im not reading, I find myself staring at the plants. I find myself becoming very addicted to growing. The girlfriend isnt too keen, as they grow in here 'dressing room' and they really smell, alot! :-) But thanks again!! Much appreciated.