New grower here; needing constructive criticism


Hello everyone at Rollitup,

Being a stay@home Dad and a recreational toker, I decided to start growing my own.
After lurking about and reading all the good information here, I decided to introduce myself so I can start getting advice and hopefully avoiding some rookie mistakes.

I ordered 15 beans of ak-48 from Nirvana (I liked their site and they came recommended here), 2 HPS 600w kits and a digital 600w conversion kit, seed mats, a couple bricks of pro-mix, a full group of earth juice, a bunch of 3gal smart pots and a big basement. :hump:

My idea was to get some rolls of reflective material and staple them up on some posts in the basement to create a flowering chamber (8'x6') and have the mother/clone area just open.
I went with a soilless mix in pots with organics because I read it was more forgiving than hydro and it fit my budget.

The things I have some trepidation about are cloning, overfeeding and what seems to be the bane of all new growers, ph balancing. But after reading through the information found here I realize I just need to relax, take my time and keep reading.:bigjoint:

Any helpful advice on what I should do with the equipment and setiup and constructive criticism with my planning is appreciated. :weed:

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
set up sounds awsome! great choice going soilless. im sure your getting one, ph tester very key to have. and ph down.
cloning youll nail, plenty of great people cloning on this site. have fun and post pictures. good luck.


Active Member
maybe instead of getting the rolls of reflective stuff paint your basement or grow area white? maybe it'll be cheaper, unless your using mylar i think its called.


Well-Known Member
I think your off to a good start. The two biggest mistakes you want to watch out for is playing with the seedlings and over feeding them. You bought fifteen seeds which is a good start. Lighting is good. Keep an eye on the heat; being in the basement should help. When you water... go to the container, lift it up to see how heavy it is, water it until you see run off, lift it again, then don't come back until it feels light. After a few times you won't even have to look at the plant, you can tell just by the weight of the container. Don't under estimate bugs. Even in a house they can creep in. Keep a spray bottle handy. I like water + dawn soap. Last tip I'll suggest... skip the mylar. White walls are cheaper and easier to clean. If you plan on doing multiple grows you'll want to sterilize your grow area after each crop.


:mrgreen:Wow, so many quick replies, thanks.

I have to go with something to cordon off an area for light control; the basement is a wide open, unfinished with concrete floor so why not a mylar like (something above 4 mil) to cordon it off? I miscommunicated about the film, it wasn't to line the grow room but to make the grow room.

And upthearsenal, thanks for the link!