New my setup/plan missing anything?

Hey, just a quicky really. Finished my set up today and have my seed germing. Just thought id ask around see if u more experienced fellows thought my setup was ok and not missing anything that crucial. So here it is...

Am growing an autoflowering strain of critical mass (chosen for height and potency reasons) my space is limited to 1.65m tall.

plannin on 3-4 plants to start (just a small personal grow)

x2 cfl 24w 2700k 1200 lumens mounted on a height adjustable board (to be mounted at all times approx 3 inches above the plant).
x2 cfl 24w 2700k 1200 lumens
x1 cfl 40w i think its 5000k somethings not sure exactly and 2000 lumens this is mounted at the top of the room and was an existing fitting.
a dismembered aerogarden
a water pump to oxygenate the water
extractor fan
Mylar coated grow room (its also well insulated so i have ok control on heat, dont think it would be a concern at this time of year anywho)
timer set to 20 / 4

useful stuff around the room -

string/wood props/sheers/sharp metal blade and tweezers/garden wire/litmus paper

nutes - canna aqua ab
some nitrogen + mag enriched stuff i got from my local diy shop.

plan - pretty simple really, i wanted to keep this as low maint as poss for the first go, the less variables makes it easier to find the bits im doing wrong!

so yeah start off week 1 with just the nitro enriched nutes so the plants not confused by the lack of nitro from the water.
week 2 do 1/4 measures of the canna
week 2/3 increase canna based on results of last week (ie no nute burn etc.)
start FIM
week 4 to harvest FIM and LST add nutes, check for burn keep, ph levels

on the site i purchased the seeds from the estimated yield was 50 g per plant. i am aiming for 35g for this first shot, is that realistic, or should i shoot for more?

my major concerns -

do i have enough light on this set up? ive heard so many diff things on this and i think iive got my bases covered with 5 and using 2 as side lights. would love to hear opinions on this.
is 3-4 too many plants? with 3 the aero garden has spacing between the 25cm (10inch) between each plant. reduced to 15cm (6inch) with 4.
that in my current plan i am starting to fim/lst too late. again infomation sources on this vary massivly, some recommend early some dont, again, opinions on when i should start these process would be appreciated as well.
my final concern is should i be getting some kind of temperature control in my environment? should this be something i shud control?

thanks for reading and i look forward to discussing this!!!



Well-Known Member
you should have plenty of florescents to get those seedlings started, as far as once they get established, I would probably be purchasing several more cfls. I dont have any experience with these aerogardens but you should keep an eye on the temperature with a guage. You mentioned an extractor fan? I dont know what that is, but a nice electric fan to keep the air circulating is the key to heavy duty plants.
the extractor fan is like one you would have in the bathroom. it pulls the air out of the room to keep circulation.

good idea about some fluorescents on the seedlings. i will defo do some more research into this.

yeah that sounds good. keep it at 5 lights for now and then start to increase if needed towards week 2-3, will be doing that, thanks

when you say keep an eye on the temp, what kind of temps best for my girls?

thanks for the response stonerman!