new grower! need help!

my plant began sprouting around early august/late july. around here it doesnt get freezing until early/mid november. im growing outdoors and in soil. will i have enough time for it to flower and everything before i have to harvest?!?!? im worried.:-?:joint::joint::joint:


Active Member
Do you know the strain or is it bag seed?

From my quick count that is 14 weeks.

Not familiar with outside grows and I do not know where you are from to determine the hours of sunlight.

I say you probably just be able to make it.
i got it out of a bag of mids. im not expecting high quality since its my first grow ever. i didnt want to get kush seeds and kill them.
but rite now its in a pot and once it gets too big im gunna move it into the ground. but its still outside.


Well-Known Member
Dont put it in the ground. Transplant to a larger container, you want to have the option of bringing them inside at night if you need to. I have to bring mine inside everynight since it gets down to 40-45f at night and frost can ruin your buds. They may be able to survive a few frosts, but you dont want it to ever have to go through it.


Active Member
Stevie"onehit"Wonder;4509568 said:
my plant began sprouting around early august/late july. around here it doesnt get freezing until early/mid november. im growing outdoors and in soil. will i have enough time for it to flower and everything before i have to harvest?!?!? im worried.:-?:joint::joint::joint:
If its started 2 flower i fink u'll b good 4 mid nov, add some nutes 4 a bigger harvest,outside u could get a nice yeild even if it iz ya first grow,treat it right,an in return it'll treat u alright, It'll grow alot more if u transplant it into the ground,cos the roots can grow crazily,rather than bein restricted,hope all goes well
plants started in july will flower about the same time as earlyier planted girls but will finish about 1-2 weeks after so if you dont get frost till november you should have enough time to get it to about 3-4 feet tall when finished


Well-Known Member
Not sure on where you are growing but if the light intenceity is good then now is about the perfect time to get the plant's in and done just before it gets too cold.The south of england is the only place in my opinion that you can get a decent outdoor grow in the uk.I am futher up the chart and this year has been warm but muggy and this has caused the plants tho strech this will mean very little harvest ie waste of time.But if you are in a country where the temps are at a good level untill the month you say then go for it you might just be supprised my biggest harvest have come from out droor grows 1 1/2 pound from 1 plant and the rest produceing around the pound mark but the taste of outdoor grow cannabis far beats any indoor soil or hydro grow it's just the way that the plants naturaly love it so go for it but make sure that you feed untill the light levels change then feed with a flowering nute look at proabition brown dirt warrior on you tube the best results come from bagging this means digging a hole large and then putting a black bin liner in and filling with some good soil,Make sure that you put a copper ring around the stem this will stop slugs and pref a cage of chicken wire to stop rabbits and deer from eating yr girls.By useing the bagging method the nutes that you are useing will not bee taken by any wild plants growing along side the cannabis.Good luck if you don't try you will never know so give it a go...........tyke............................................
where i live in new hampshire me and the wifey put our babys in the ground around earth day(they get a head start under hps for about a month or until they show pre flowers indoors) and then in late july to the first week of august we put out a few well rooted baby girls and in the years we have done this (depending on strain) we can harvest all our plants around the same time give or take a few days to a week the reason we do this is our april plants are way out in the wooded area i live in and the later planted girls are in our yard(it makes it so if one grow gets caught we still have some girls to harvest) the ones in our yard reach a maxium of 4-6 feet and the girls in the woods are reaching around 6 feet and up. the later planted girls stay pretty short and have not been noticed by cops or rippers but this year our girls are about 2 weeks from finishing up but we got a frost coming tonight so make sure the genetics you get will have plenty of time to finish up b4 the frost as i over looked that detail this year and after lossing all my white widows to deer a few months ago i now remember the importance in knowing the grow season in the area of my grows and next year i plan on triing out some auto flowering plants to see how they do around here outdoors....i hope this helps you atleast a little. im going to bed now ive been up for well over 48 hours and have to go back to work in a few hours.


Active Member
Build an insulated box and watch the temps when it gets too cold at night set it over the plant. I saved a good friends outdoor this way one time. foam like 1 or 2'' from lowes or home depot it's light as hell and glue works great.. how tall is it now?