New grower using AN Jungle Juice.


Active Member

I've just started growing, and I currently have 2 plants running. My current question right now is nutrients. The guy at the hydro store told me all I need is the AN Nutrients Jungle Juice 3 part Grow Micro Bloom. But from all the reading I've seen a a lot of people are using all sorts of nutrients. My main worry right now is if just using this 3 part system if I'm starving my plants of anything important and maybe this guy wasn't right about what is really needed. Also I'm currently running a DWC setup and I have my plants in nutrient 24/7 and change the water once a week.

Also I notice that my PH changes quite frequently always upwards. I set it at 5.8 and it rises to about 6.4. Is it okay to be constantly readjusting and using PH down to make 5.8?

Thank you


Active Member
Also, I was thinking of changing my AN Jungle Juice Grow Micro Bloom to the PH Perfect Grow Micro Bloom because they say its way better and you don't really have to worry about your PH levels. I'm sorry for all the newb questions but I'm really interested in this and hoping to get some good yields. :)


Well-Known Member
Don't do it, pH perfect is junk. Get ANY other nutrient, not being able to control your pH is very problematic. A balanced/semi-stable pH level is the key to growing healthy cannabis. Jungle Juice is better (if you can check/change your pH), the buffers in pH perfect I have seen turn peoples' nutrient solution very cloudy & dirty. It's the only nutrient that I will never try, actually I'll never take par tin any nutrient that has a pre-determined pH. In pH perfect, you couldn't change the pH much even if you tried. Different plants will respond to different pH levels differently, that's why I don't understand why they even thought that it would be a good idea to load it down with pH buffers. You will soon switch back to JJ if you do, unless you ignore pH completely anyways.