New Grower with a Withering Plant

:joint:Whats Good my Cutty:joint:
I'm having a problem with my ChemDog plant I got off a cannabis club in San Francisco about 10 days ago, I've done some research on growing, though I'm not an expert at it, sooo I have no clue why one day my plant started withering. It's an indoor setup, maybe over watering? too much light? not enough heat? I need your help guys! THANK YOU

here's a pic of my dying plant...cell phone quality, sorry...


Well-Known Member
The pic didn't post. Please repost the pic and then provide some info... what is plant potted in and what soil? Are you feeding it? When do you water and how, by pouring or misting? Where is water coming from? PH of water?

Sounds like a lot, but until you can provide this info, you might get many different guesses.
Thanks for the quick response! Sorry for the lack of info, I have it in a 3gallon pot, Im using a soil with deet in it (not sure of the exact name of the soil) but I do know it does work for growing MJ. I used a Miracle grow feeder, cheap but it seems to be effective with my other plant. I water with a spray bottle every morning, spraying about 6inches away from the plants. I'm using arrowhead water for now, its cleaner then tap water lol..not entirely the best set up, but my plant shouldnt be looking the way it does. Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
Try to repost the picture, or upload to photobucket or imageshake. What kind of light do you have on it?


Well-Known Member
You just gave me the answer I needed. Stop daily waterings, especially for a young plant and here is why. As the soil at the top of the pot dries, the roots below begin to grow and stretch in search of moisture remaining near the bottom of the pot. This promotes a good root ball. By watering daily, you are encouraging root rot, fungus gnats and inadequate roots to support a budding female adult.

Try to go 3-4 days without watering and see how the plant will perk up. Just watch for cracks to form between soil and potting container. Those are indications the soil is drying out. You can also tell by weight. Daily watering is not necessary and is in fact harmful.