New Grower


Well-Known Member
These are my plants now. The little ones are about a month old. And i dont really remember how old the big one is.Any tips would be appriciated.
Shot with DSC-T7 at 2007-07-03[/IMG]


Active Member
They look pretty good, but may get crowded as they get taller and bushier.
Also, how deep is that bed? Don't want to crowd the roots either.

Fox Farm nutes are good. Just picked up some more liquids: Big Grow, Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom, and some solubles: Open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz, and Cha Ching.

Do an internet search for hydroponics stores in your area. Chances are they will sell Fox Farms. If not, look for Advanced Nutrients (SensiPro A + B).

Good luck and keep us posted.


Active Member
mine look just like that do i just leave them alone???im not really sure what to do either.please help,i dont even know when to start pruneing.


Well-Known Member
My plants are still in veg but when they start flowering I have some bone meal an i was wondering if that would be of any benefit.If so how do I use it??


Well-Known Member
Well i probably did the wrong thing with bonemeal. I know ur supposed to mix it in the soil but i just took some and put it on the tob and then watered it like crazy. Umm underneith the soil is sand and i think the roots will just push right through that cause ive grown one in plain sand before. Actually that big one right their started in sand. umm the nutes i think are good now. I did have to lose one of my plants though. A catapillar got to it and ate the shit out of it. It could have survived but i pulled it out today to make more room for the bigger plant.