New growing idea!!


Active Member
OK I'm really high right now and I had this crazy idea for growing pot.

How could you grow pot inside a syringe?

I'm trying this right now, like, as of five minutes and I would like any advice you might give to me... This could be fun! :D


P.S. I'm opsting pics ASAP... My camera battery just went low after I took the pictures and is recharging so that I could upload them to the computer... Weird I thought they had USB... Weird


Well-Known Member
you will scuk a seed up with some soil and put in your grow room.
what do u think you wil yield?


Active Member
No, like, I opened the syringe, and put the seeds inside, and sucked up some water which I think was enough. I don't know if I put it in a lighten environment or someplace dark...

Photos are coming!


Well-Known Member
your fucking crazy but it might work you know what else could work
you could put soil in it and pull some water up untill sprouted and then transfer.... that might work that way the roots get lotss o water...


Active Member
thats the most dumest idea for growing,EVER!! lol,the roots spread far out,the syringe is too small,it wouldnt let the weed plants' roots to grow.


Active Member
thats the most dumest idea for growing,EVER!! lol,the roots spread far out,the syringe is too small,it wouldnt let the weed plants' roots to grow.

Man, why the hate, I was just really high...

OK, I'm quite sober now, so I'd like so explain my idea. I put a lot of seeds there so that they have more probability to germinate.

After they germinate, I'll take them out, select only one or two, and I could change the environment of the syringe, lets say, put some soil inside it or some chemicals, whatever, that's why I posted here, to have like people give me suggestions and make an experiment.

You guys seem to forget that I can open the syringe to take things out, add things or whatever I like.

I could also buy a bigger syringe, if needed. It is just an experiment to see if I can grow something, maybe not even smokable, but fun, in a restricted environment...

Oh, and don't worry about the seeds, they were cheap ass seeds that would go the trash bin in any other way.

So, as of right now, should I put them in the dark or let it in the light?


Well-Known Member
How about growing one in a glass bottle ?

I"ve thought about this a few times before when i"ve been stoned.
By this i mean cut the bottom off the bottle and drill a few air holes
around the bottom half of the bottle ? For repotting ?

But thinking about it it would be easier to use a plastic bottle.
OH bollocks
sorry about this post i"m wasted:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I just finished a spliff and saw this post.
It's made me laugh too much.

I thought you meant you'd germinate them in the syringe and then transfer them to soil..