New growth after topping.


Active Member
Hey folks.

Gotta question about topping my girl. It's still in veg, at about 75 days old. Now, just to re-affirm, I cut her at about 12mm above the 8th node. Using the top cutting as a clone.

Does the cut on the stem always produce new growth? Or is there a chance that the main stem will not grow any further after cutting? How long will it take before the growth is seen on the cut? Should I avoid foliar feeding while the wound is still open?

Cheers guys...

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
the main stem will not grow but the node right beneath the cut will grow two tops.
most of mine topping take about 2 weeks before the two tops start to grow fast, but in the meantime the lower branches will grow faster and try to catch up to the top.

i dont foilar feed , but after a few days the cut will heal up enough for you to foilar feed or just avoid that spot.