New here!


Active Member
New to the forum but not toking or growing!:mrgreen:

Last grow was about 6 years ago and things have changed so much!
Looking for some good info on setting up a small, 5'X5'X6' high room.
Not looking for lots of yield as it seems to last me forever!

Used to grow with HPS and MH.
Now i see more CFL's being used and since my planned area is small i may head that route.
Looking to use a bubbleponics derived setup, either buy a unit or make my own one.

Thinking about growing some Lowryders that auto flower just to get up to speed and test the set up.

Spending a lot of time reading grow logs etc!
Great info on here and a great bunch of people!



Well-Known Member
Welcome to riu, have you looked in to T5's? I believe they are better than cfl's