New Indoor Grower

So i bought 2 clones at the club Today, one is a a 10 inch tall clone, the other is about 6 in. (i live in cali) and i need 2 know what i need 2 do to grow it. I Have my closet as a grow room, its wrapped in Mylar, and i have a 150W HPS bulb Now i need 2 know what precautions 2 take. For Soil, i use 1/3 peat moss, 1/3 vermiculite, and 1/3 perlite. Ive potted, put them in soil, and watered them, and put them under the light. What do i need 2 do next!? Humidity dome? what? And how far away should i put the light?


Well-Known Member
No dome needed light should be around 1ft away put you hand under it if it gets hot it's to close if you need as much info as it seems you do you could prob. find so start to finsh grow faq's on here with the search.Good luck