New Kid


Hey guys what's up? New to the forums and I thought that I would post a little about myself here :mrgreen:. I'm a young buck who recently (about 5 months ago) moved from Alabama to Texas to attend the local state university. Though it's only been 5 months, damn it feels a lot longer. Probably because a lot has happened within this relatively short period of time including my withdrawal from the university, a motorcycle accident, and my first experience with the miracle herb :joint:. First off I guess I should give a little bit of my background. I've grown up in Alabama and pretty much been bombarded with the whole anti-weed bullshit the entire time I attended school. Not surprising since it was a real small conservative christian high school that I attended. I still remember the time a cop came in and spoke to us about the "dangers of drugs" and spoke this line I kid you not: "There has been multiple individuals who have died from that first hit of marijuana :lol:" Yeah, looking back I laugh my ass off when I think about the bull that we were exposed to. Nevertheless, at the time I believed it and was especially scared of the "fact" that marijuana halts mental development, in effect making you a retard :roll:. But alas that is simply the state of misinformation that we as citizens are exposed too, lol.

Flash forward to 2 months after graduation and I'm packing my bags to go live with my Uncle in Texas in order to attend a local state university that I had received a scholarship from. I'd decided that I was going to study engineering (although I had originally planned to just save up money and travel for awhile straight out of high school, but when I received the scholarship I felt I'd be a fool to pass it up), and so I thought I was heading out to Texas to receive my 4 year degree and land a desk job making 80k a year, what I felt was what I was supposed to do.

Jump to the middle of my first semester and I'm confused as HELL. First off it had become evidently clear that engineering was going to make me depressed and suicidal (turns out being good at math doesn't mean you're going to like doing it all day lol), I had come to question was my religious beliefs (not going to get into that though), I'd also just began to wonder what I really wanted out of life. Not to mention through some chance encounters and personal study I realized that I was sadly misinformed about the miracle weed. In perhaps a reckless act, I decided to withdraw from the university and pursue travel like I had originally planned im high school. I just felt I needed to be somewhere else. A couple of people pretty much straight up told me I was an idiot for passing up that scholarship (though I was still having to pay a good chunk out of pocket and it would have just been cheaper to go the community college and then transfer into main university route). Hell maybe it was a rash move, but it's done and I'm ready to deal with what is to come. I also decided to toke up for the first time:mrgreen:.

I'd like to take a moment to describe my first time smoking. My uncle is away on a trip in IL, so I decide to puff some in the back yard to find out for myself what pot is really like. I smoked it out of a homemade water bong as I had no rolling papers. I took 2 full hits from the bong and attempted a third but my newbie lungs couldn't handle it lol. I then made the common rookie mistake of not giving it a few minutes to fully take effect. I sat there for about 30 seconds then thought "what the hell? I feel the same." So I foolishly thought I hadn't had enough and forced down 2 more hits. I walked inside and looked in the mirror and noticed my pupils were fucking HUGE, but I still felt normal. Feeling disappointed, I walked over to my laptop to look up whether I was messing something up or not. Well after about a minute surfing on the web it suddenly hit me. lol I couldn't even type a full sentence I was so messed up. I started laughing at nothing and staggered around, every time I closed my eyes I felt like the room was spinning. One thing I vividly remember is that though at first the weed tasted horrible, the higher I was the sweeter it tasted lol. Like an idiot I staggered outside and took 3 more hits (one of which I accidentally swallowed into my stomach, something I really regretted later), and then proceeded to have one of the most memorable experiences I've ever had. Music was definitely the best, I remember feeling like I was swimming through sound waves. I even tried playing the piano, which was exponentially harder and really freaked me out when the keys turned deep yellow and my hands turned blood red (strange I know). I was kind of disappointed with food as it didn't taste any better to me when high (but I understand it effects everyone differently). After what felt like an eternity (though it had been like 25 mins), I fell asleep:sleep:. I woke up a little while later and puked 4 times, I'm guessing because I swallowed that one hit. The strangest thing was even puking wasn't that bad lol. Overall though it was a good experience and I noticed that it helped relieve a great deal of stress bottled up from recent events and decisions.

It's also worth mentioning that I had a minor motorcycle accident about a week before smoking for the first time, which strangely enough is turning out to be a blessing because the motorcycle was my only personal method of transportation and I was looking to sell it to purchase a vehicle for travel. Turns out the insurance claim is giving me way more cash then I would've ever received selling it, so I'll be able to purchase a vehicle and pocket some of that cash to go towards my first trip.

Overall though, my time in Texas has been a good thing for me. Though I realized college wasn't right for me at this current time (and wasted some cash on it), it helped me ponder upon what would really bring me happiness and what I would like to do with my life. Right now I'm planning to travel and work some interesting jobs. I'm going to try to head to Colorado first and work on a ski resort for a season (though I might miss it depending on when I get my vehicle), go up to Canada to plant trees for a season, also would like to head over to Vegas and work at some of the casinos (I'd always fancied the idea of eventually becoming a poker dealer). Also thought about getting into the marijuana industry which is bound to explode in the next few years, but we'll see the biggest thing I want to do is just experience life you know? Anyways I'd like to express my excitement at joining RollItUp community and would like to extend a warm greeting to all the brethren of the forbidden herb :peace: