This is what I don't like about the registry , the "sharing of information with other agencies " that this video exposes.
You should provide the full truth in your "Expose' " . Do you realize that the fear mongering that you are projecting is the same means that our government used to bring about the prohibition of Cannabis in 1937 ?
Building a database based on card number only with no associated patient information does not violate patient rights.
They are seeking the ability to determine:
1] How many patients caregivers or MMC are actually assigned since there is no other means to do that for managing plant counts
2] If a Red Card presented by a patient is still valid
3] If a caregiver or MMC is growing the correct number of plants based on the number of patients currently assigned.
They don't need confidential patient information to determine any of the above.
Here is the statement from the Department of Revenue that supports respect of patient confidentiality:
Medical Marijuana Registry Information
Remains Confidential
Colorado legislation passed in 2010 assigned regulatory authority of Medical Marijuana Centers, Infused Product Manufacturers and Optional Premises Cultivations (Grows) to the Colorado Department of Revenue. The legislation created the need for the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment – which maintains the Medical Marijuana Registry – to share limited, non-personally identifying information with the Department of Revenue so that DOR can verify the numbers of patients for which a marijuana center is serving as the marijuana provider. Names of patients on the registry would not be shared.
A confidential, secure data base system could provide the most economical and efficient method for the two agencies to share needed information. No such system of sharing of Medical Marijuana Registry information between the agencies has yet been created. And, more importantly, any system to be created shall maintain all current patient confidentiality safeguards, which meet the requirements of the constitutional amendment.
It also is intended that any new data base system would provide law enforcement with access 24 hours a day/7 days a week, as required by the legislation, to verify whether or not an individual has an active marijuana registry card. This capability also would meet the legal requirements of the constitution and of the new laws. Law enforcement only would be able to access the system with information provided to them directly by the patient in order to defend their possession of Medical Marijuana, and access to the database will be conducted in accordance with state statute
You may hate the regulation that is going into place to manage Medical Marijuana in Colorado, but seriously take a look at what would happen to you today in Texas, Oklahoma, or Alabama for just possessing what you have right now.
BTW just to clarify, I endorse the full and complete re legalization of Cannabis in America. However there are steps we will have to take in order to get there.
How can you project how your rights are being trampled when:
1] I don't believe that they are and
2] You have more rights regarding Marijuana than a VAST majority of Americans.
Just sayin'