• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

New laws being passed


Well-Known Member
so what if you have no caregiver, are you not going to be allowed to have your 6 plants then?

.............Yes you can but your address is on file:finger:

Marijuana patients who wish to grow their own pot at home would have to register where their plants are located;

In Denver the law for residential areas....You can have a caregiver but you must live in the same household as your caregiver (you must live together) and the limit has been set at 1 patient

did you see this.....Stores get in trouble if they sell their weed for less than the current market price...hahahaha

Under current law, a medical marijuana center is subject to
prohibitions on unfair business practices that may include selling products
below cost.


Active Member
Price shelves never work. look at our history. These will all get repealed soon enough. Just give it some time, you guys (CO) have it way better than most states in the union so quite your bitching and enjoy what you have, at least you can go to a dispensary and legally walk away. in most states if you get caught with a roach your in deep shit.


Our "bitching" is also "bitching" for your rights sooner or later. Maybe you could bitch to you local city government or state legislator. People are pissed that larger dispensarys are tryng to slant all the rules and regulation in their favor and keep any and all mom and pop shops (who generally have better meds) out of the picture.


Well-Known Member
I didn't register 2 months back when I got my second MMJ recommendation in CO. I'm not having anything to do with the registry and I know a few others who didn't re-register when they came up for updating their recommendation. My feelings about the registry is , if you can grow your own and by-pass the dispensaries , then your better off. There's a few good MMJ attorneys and a lot of hell being raised about 1284 , it's being fought.I don't know how much longer it's going to take but legalization or a very relaxed decriminalization will end up happening I think within the next 2-3 yrs.

The privacy issue of the registry sharing a MMJ patients information, and make that "medical information" violates amendment 20. The 6 plant limit is bullshit, and most people grow over that amount. I look at it this way too, suppose you have 6 flowering plants and 6 small clones, that's 12 total, and registered , that picture just doesn't feel good knowing you could be visited by a John Law 24/7 wanting to access your grow.

I'll continue to keep an up to date recommendation and utilize the "affirmative defense" that's written into amendment 20 if it should come down to that-but the registry can go to hell. CO let everything run fine for about 10 years, then all of a sudden...BOOM, they start pissing all over the people's rights.

Supposedly there's going to be a push for legalization in 2012, I think Colorado stands a better chance than California did in 2010, being that 2012 is a presidential election year and more people come out to vote during a presidential election year.Even if it doesn't pass, the numbers will still be high, and that will show the strong support for legalization. That would be a laugh, legalization passing at the end of 2012 and every dispensary going belly up within 6 months after that from prices dropping. Imagine $75 ounces and $20 quarters of cannabis cup winning strains.

1284 will get repealed eventually, I'd say 12 months and it'll be history.


Well-Known Member
The privacy issue of the registry sharing a MMJ patients information, and make that "medical information" violates amendment 20.
Please indicate the source of this information. There are rumors being spread ( primarily by CTI ) about exposing patient information but it is not true from what I have researched. It is a constitutional violation to share this confidential information.

The 6 plant limit is bullshit, and most people grow over that amount. I look at it this way too, suppose you have 6 flowering plants and 6 small clones, that's 12 total, and registered , that picture just doesn't feel good knowing you could be visited by a John Law 24/7 wanting to access your grow.
While I agree that plant limits are restrictive, they are better than no plants. If a patient manages their grow correctly, you can easily provide 3oz+ each month for yourself even if you can only wrangle 2oz per plant. I don't believe that LEO will be running around checking every grow if grow sites are mandated to be registered. However, LEO does need a means to determine if a grow is a med grow or a black market grow.

I'll continue to keep an up to date recommendation and utilize the "affirmative defense" that's written into amendment 20 if it should come down to that-but the registry can go to hell.
If you had any clue as to what it costs to defend felony cultivation and possession with and affirmative defense you might rethink this. We are headed toward $20k defending a fully papered and legal grow that was completely compliant under Amendment 20 guidelines.

Supposedly there's going to be a push for legalization in 2012,
Actually there are two different voter driven amendments in development.

That would be a laugh, legalization passing at the end of 2012 and every dispensary going belly up within 6 months after that from prices dropping.
Why you gotta be a hater ?

1284 will get repealed eventually, I'd say 12 months and it'll be history.
As much as we hate it too, there is pretty much 0% chance of that happening.

In general there sure seems to be a lot of rumors flying around as well as people projecting that dispensaries are the evil scourge of society. Think a minute about what you have today that others in neighboring states do not. It may not be the perfect world that you dream about, but in reality it's not bad in comparison to any other state in the county.


Well-Known Member
I just read this today. So this means if you grow your own pot (6 plants) you now have to register the location of them too? Isn't it assumed if you are growing your own plants that you are growing them at your home?

That article was wrong. If you click through to the actual bill language it says that caregivers must register the grow site, not individual patients. They are trying hard to force caregivers out of the scene...


Well-Known Member
This is what I don't like about the registry , the "sharing of information with other agencies " that this video exposes.



Well-Known Member
That article was wrong. If you click through to the actual bill language it says that caregivers must register the grow site, not individual patients. They are trying hard to force caregivers out of the scene...
How would registering a grow site force caregivers out of the scene ?
I believe that they are seeking the ability to sort out black market growers from legal growers by registering legal locations.


Well-Known Member
This is what I don't like about the registry , the "sharing of information with other agencies " that this video exposes.
You should provide the full truth in your "Expose' " . Do you realize that the fear mongering that you are projecting is the same means that our government used to bring about the prohibition of Cannabis in 1937 ?

Building a database based on card number only with no associated patient information does not violate patient rights.
They are seeking the ability to determine:
1] How many patients caregivers or MMC are actually assigned since there is no other means to do that for managing plant counts
2] If a Red Card presented by a patient is still valid
3] If a caregiver or MMC is growing the correct number of plants based on the number of patients currently assigned.

They don't need confidential patient information to determine any of the above.

Here is the statement from the Department of Revenue that supports respect of patient confidentiality:

Medical Marijuana Registry Information
Remains Confidential
Colorado legislation passed in 2010 assigned regulatory authority of Medical Marijuana Centers, Infused Product Manufacturers and Optional Premises Cultivations (Grows) to the Colorado Department of Revenue. The legislation created the need for the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment – which maintains the Medical Marijuana Registry – to share limited, non-personally identifying information with the Department of Revenue so that DOR can verify the numbers of patients for which a marijuana center is serving as the marijuana provider. Names of patients on the registry would not be shared.

A confidential, secure data base system could provide the most economical and efficient method for the two agencies to share needed information. No such system of sharing of Medical Marijuana Registry information between the agencies has yet been created. And, more importantly, any system to be created shall maintain all current patient confidentiality safeguards, which meet the requirements of the constitutional amendment.

It also is intended that any new data base system would provide law enforcement with access 24 hours a day/7 days a week, as required by the legislation, to verify whether or not an individual has an active marijuana registry card. This capability also would meet the legal requirements of the constitution and of the new laws. Law enforcement only would be able to access the system with information provided to them directly by the patient in order to defend their possession of Medical Marijuana, and access to the database will be conducted in accordance with state statute

You may hate the regulation that is going into place to manage Medical Marijuana in Colorado, but seriously take a look at what would happen to you today in Texas, Oklahoma, or Alabama for just possessing what you have right now.

BTW just to clarify, I endorse the full and complete re legalization of Cannabis in America. However there are steps we will have to take in order to get there.

How can you project how your rights are being trampled when:
1] I don't believe that they are and
2] You have more rights regarding Marijuana than a VAST majority of Americans.

Just sayin' :)


Well-Known Member
How would registering a grow site force caregivers out of the scene ?
I believe that they are seeking the ability to sort out black market growers from legal growers by registering legal locations.
You may be right about that. However, this language is designed to force caregivers out, IMHO:
“Significant responsibility for managing the well-being of a patient” means, IN ADDITION TO THE 16 ABILITY TO PROVIDE MEDICAL MARIJUANA, assisting a patient with daily activities, including but not 17 limited to transportation or housekeeping or meal preparation or shopping or making any necessary 18 arrangement for access to medical care or NON-MEDICAL MARIJAUANA services or provision of medical 19 marijuana. THE ACT OF SUPPLYING MEDICAL MARIJUANA OR MARIJUANA 20 PARAPHERNALIA, BY ITSELF, IS INSUFFICIENT TO CONSTITUTE “SIGNIFICANT 21 RESPONSIBILITY FOR MANAGING THE WELL-BEING OF A PATIENT. (C.R.S. § 25-1.5-106 22 3(b) (1)) 23
http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/hs/medicalmarijuana/Memo_Draft Primary Caregiver.pdf

I think Rob Corry nailed it when he called the collection of new laws "death by 1000 cuts". If you step back and look at what is going on, the lawmakers are adding very unreasonable rules to the MMJ industry - just because they can. My dentist can hand out scripts for narcotics in anticipation of pain (and has) but MMJ doctors are held to a much higher standard than that. My grocery store pharmacy can buy their narcotics from a variety of places, but my local MMC must grow their own marijuana. All farmers in Colorado can get tax breaks on their land because it is used for agricultural purposes but marijuana farmers can not. Nobody has to pay money to be listed on some state run database to get access to narcotics (and many other drugs that kill thousands of people a year) but marijuana patients do. Even Claire Levy's proposed legislation on "drugged driving" only singles out marijuana - doesn't even touch on the fact that driving under the influence of narcotics is dangerous. The list goes on.

Yes, maybe we should "feel lucky" that we have what we have but there is absolutely no reason for a large portion of the laws that are being passed. It's like a feeding frenzy of bureaucracy that will ultimately drive a lot of people back underground. The prohibitionists can't get over the fact that this plant is not destroying the fabric of society. They certainly are not doing any of this bill writing with the patients' interest in mind...


Well-Known Member
The "bill writing" is about revenue (as it always is) the percieved notion that caregivers are being weened out is correct because the state has no real way to garnish revenue from them. Hell I give meds away everyday (opps no revenue) why they indicated in previous bill that caregivers should be non-profit, figuring that many would quit if there was no profit and that out of staters would stop coming here to try to profit. While it seems they have no clue, just the oppisite is actually true if you look at what they are doing from the proper perspective


Well-Known Member
I don't go along with the ....."it's better than nothing, so let's be happy with it"- point of view. The HB 1284 bill treads all over Amendment 20.The state should've left well-enough alone as they did for 10 years. Your not going to change my mind or vice versa. So we will see what happens in 2012.


Well-Known Member
bitchin about only being able to grow 6 plants ....I get 7-8 oz per plant.... plenty off weed for my personal consumption.... who needs to grow more

If you know how to grow and have the right strain... theres nothing to bitch about

If your trying to make extra $$$ with your overage... then you have something to bitch about


Well-Known Member
The black market exists because you can get things you cant get through normal channels. You had better believe that for something as serious as personal privacy, people would turn back to the black market, the irony of that.....


Well-Known Member
You may be right about that. However, this language is designed to force caregivers out, IMHO:
“Significant responsibility for managing the well-being of a patient” means, IN ADDITION TO THE 16 ABILITY TO PROVIDE MEDICAL MARIJUANA, assisting a patient with daily activities, including but not 17 limited to transportation or housekeeping or meal preparation or shopping or making any necessary 18 arrangement for access to medical care or NON-MEDICAL MARIJAUANA services or provision of medical 19 marijuana. THE ACT OF SUPPLYING MEDICAL MARIJUANA OR MARIJUANA 20 PARAPHERNALIA, BY ITSELF, IS INSUFFICIENT TO CONSTITUTE “SIGNIFICANT 21 RESPONSIBILITY FOR MANAGING THE WELL-BEING OF A PATIENT. (C.R.S. § 25-1.5-106 22 3(b) (1)) 23
http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/hs/medicalmarijuana/Memo_Draft Primary Caregiver.pdf
Yep, on that point I agree without question. Medical Caregiving services should be separated from Medical Marijuana Caregivnig. These are the Health Department rules and you guys need to speak out to them...repeatedly.

There is no reason that a person should not be able to cultivate for a person that is unable to, regardless of the reason. Some are too sick, some have kids around that they don't want exposed, some are in rentals and have no space, and some just can't keep a plant alive:)


Well-Known Member
Yep, on that point I agree without question. Medical Caregiving services should be separated from Medical Marijuana Caregivnig. These are the Health Department rules and you guys need to speak out to them...repeatedly.

There is no reason that a person should not be able to cultivate for a person that is unable to, regardless of the reason. Some are too sick, some have kids around that they don't want exposed, some are in rentals and have no space, and some just can't keep a plant alive:)
Good point but of course Co wants it to be all about money. It went from being Illegal to a Government Cash Crop. I hate the Big Dispensaries thats why i live in Foco their are alot more smaller places with Quality of Quantity. They dont seem to get the fact that some of us dont want to smoke just any thing we want HIGH QUALITY CHOICES DAMN IT COLORADO for low prices.