New leaves are curling?


Well-Known Member
if they have been doing that since 8 days then thats been a while cuz those are nowhere near 8 days....heres what id do - repot them in some good soil, no delay release crap no miracle gro..then you need to stick to a watering cycle they look over or under water when the top couple inches of soil is getting dry then you dont water until this happens again, you may wind up watering 2 times a week or so and you need to feed them once a week. you should never add or feed anything at 8 days btw, just let them go until they are about the size you have now before you need to feed them but ofcourse this info is based on you using soil that is decent and already has a little nutrients within recap, repot in good soil then water once with nutes (if your new to this grab the technaflora starter kit or the general organics go box for organics) follow the easy to use chart on the box also only water with distilled water or water that has sat out for 2 the time its time to water again with normal water you should see some improvement


Well-Known Member
Yes its overwatering, and your finger print is so clear that i hope your not on file.