New LEDs: Are they overpowering them just for the sales pitch?


Active Member
Im looking to outfit a 36 light flower room and trying to find my best option for LED lighting. I currently run some of the pre 2021 HLG scorpion diablos as well as 2 of the 2022+ Scorpioin diablos, one regular and one "X" spectrum. And to be honest I feel like 750 wats per 5x5 is the absolute max for the best product with solid yeilds atleast in my set up growing in organic bio bizz in peat moss and thats with CO2 supplimantation at 1200-1400.

Im seeing these new lights that are 900-1500 watts of led. It just seems rediculous or am I missing something? I'm tempted to swithch over to Mammoths new spectrum mostly on the recomendation of a couple growers and they have 680 and 860 watts. They have some far red in them which ive never played around with so will prob test one before I commit to a full build out.

Whats everyones thoughts on how they keep ramping up wattage. Also any feedback on Mammoth lights vs others or far red being incorporated into the main light? My worry is that my 7-14 day veg might be affected negativly the FR.


Well-Known Member
More power is better, especially since they're also putting more diodes. Underpowering your light is the best way (besides actively cooling them) to get longevity and get the best efficiency out of them. Having more power is nice too incase you want to ramp up co2.