***New Lights, Ok or Not?***


Active Member
Just added some lights to my grow room, in addition to the 36" flouros i have i added two 9 watt cfls, and a 40 watt cfl, the bulbs were free so thats why theres 9's in there, my question is, if i have a 9watt directly over each one of the plants and the 40 watt in the center will the plants grow towards the 40 or will it grow relatively even? I'm going to be adding another 40 watt so a 40 will hang over each in addition with the flouros.

in the pic you cant see the flouros, they are in front of the cfls elevated a little. also its day 15, what do you guys think??



Well-Known Member
it will take some time but yes they will grow toward the larger light source. in our grow a few girls have grown toward lights that were near by.

id replace to 9's with some larger ones sooner rather than later but not a rush to do so.


Active Member
thanks man, puts my mind at ease, i think what im gonna do is switch the position of the 40w back and forth between plants every 24 hours until i get some larger bulbs, but all in all i think they are growing pretty well. Little bit of curling going on but i think thats due to the pre-ferted soil i used, (stupid on my part) but i think they'll pull through, gonna start nutes in a week or so.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the plant will grow toward the 40 watt, but that's not that big of a problem. If you are gonna take a while to get your new bulbs then you can rotate your plants so they will grow relatively straight up. I would get that middle 40 down lower and the plants a little closer to it because it is a little far away. The other lights are a good distance but you can have them as close as 1/2 inch without even signs of burning. It would be a good idea to get a couple more 40's and have one over each and one in the middle, then if you get more money just add some more CFLs near areas on your plants that you think are lacking light. Good luck..