New MG Coco grow


Well-Known Member
I started germinating some seeds on the 1st. They cracked and were placed in MG expand and gro coco on the 3rd. I am growing on 12/12 light cycle from start to finish.

I'm growing feminized carmelice from positronics, blueberry gum from delicious seeds, and g13 Pineapple Express. I also have a decent bag seed I had laying around.

I'm using 250 watt MH buld for veg and then once flowering begins I will switch to HPS.

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Three seeds have boken ground. My blueberry gum, pineapple express, and the bagseed. My Carmelice and Skunk :-( did not sprout. I started 2 new seeds to replace them. 1 Fruity Chronic Juice, and 1 dinafem cheese.

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Well-Known Member
My Fruity chronic juice and Cheese seeds went into coco today. I watered all my plants with 16oz of water spiked with a little rooting hormone. Anyone ever done this? Will it hurt it help, or does it make any difference at all? Anyway other three plants are doing great. Will post pics soon.


Well-Known Member
first off i highly dontttttttt recommend doing a 12 and 12 from start to finish, reason for this is your plants will go into flower as soon as they can, leading to a small yield per plant. Also, if you want more success in getting life from seed, get jiffy seedling starter, its given me 100% so far for 7 plants.


Well-Known Member
Thank you Gucci. This is actually my 4th grow. My very first grow was 12/12 and then I did two with a four week veg cycle. My we one grow was actually an experiment with a decending light schedule. Starting at 18/6 then 17/7, 16/8, 15,9 and so on until 12/12. But by week 4 they were getting too big for my grow space. My ending yields were not that significantly different growing "nomally" versus growing 12/12. But I do underdtand your conventional thinking. You should check out the 12/12 from seed thread here on RIU. It will definitely give you something to think about.


Well-Known Member
All seeds for this grow are potted. When I went to drop one of my seeds into the soil it accidentally flipped upside down. root pointing up. I have read sonewhere that people actually plant their seeds like that so I figured nothing would happen and it would be fine. I go into the tent today to check progress and see a root prodruding from the coco. I covered it up with fresh coco and watered. Anyone every have this happen? Here are my plants so far. Day 13.

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Well-Known Member
The root will correct it's self as the root grows by gravity,downwards. I regularly pop into the 12/12fs thread and have had my eyes opened by some of the results, del is the master of 12/12,imo. Have fun!


Well-Known Member
Yes I agree del is the 12/12 maestro. This is just my second 12/12 grow. Thanks for the reply closetgardner.


Well-Known Member
Plants are growing great. My bagseed has some brown spots on the leaves, it's the only one. not sure what's wrong. Can anyone give me advice.

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Kush Killington

Well-Known Member
Looks like a bit of overwatering to me. Let them dry out real good. You'll avoid alot of complications later. They really cant dry out to much, but you sure as hell can rape them with water. I still have trouble not killing off my seedlings >.>

Sir KK


Well-Known Member
This doesn't look like over watering to me. Plus I am growing in coco which is suppose to be impossible to overwater. someone check it out and give opinions please. I also added some picture of my other plants and my tent setup.

Also think I have a girl. The one i'm having problems with. Its the only one and it's a bagseed. I don't want to lose it since I think it is a girl.

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Well-Known Member
Yes, do you think that is the problem. Is this nute burn from the ferts in the Miracle gro?


Well-Known Member
Read an article about them trying to move into the medical marijuana area. And coming up with products specific for those growers. That's how I found out about their coco product. Was very surprised myself.
I do have a ph meter must admit it is not a very good one. I don't have a ppm. What should the ph of my runoff be when I test it?
dont test the runoff test what goes in.. It should be 5.8 for coco. Make sure you have some cal mag because coco seems to not have enogh of it.


Well-Known Member
This MG coco has time release nutes in it already. Not sure what the coco is already ph'd to. I'm sure with nutes in it, it is not neutral. How would I ph my plain water? Never messed around with ph'ing in my other grows. I think I need to take the bagseed, that's the one looking messed up, and transplant it into some regular potting soil. I have some promix around I can use. It doesn't have any nutes in it.
that will work. ungfortunately i have no exp with coco and time release nutes.. but i would grow a couple bagseeds in it to get the jist of it


Well-Known Member
So my bagseed is super stretchy. I hope that is not a sign of sativa, i don't like growing those. It wouldn't be showing sex already if it was though right? Check out my grow any advice and comments welcome.

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New Member
When walmart started to stock this in 2010 there idiots employees here left 3 pallets of product out for a week in hard rains . The birds had fun stealing all the coco that was hydrated all over the outdoor gardening area .. I bought some then and tried it but did not like the time released deal .. They add to time released capsules and the larger one will add alot of Nitrogen during your finishing weeks ... Just an FYI for those looking into the product .. Its old news but they are still trying to push it ........