New mmar patient needs help with supply


New Member
Hello everyone, I just got my mmar papers in the mail yesterday. I only have my authorization to possess, and don't have a personal production license nor a designated grower at this point. If I could grow my own where I live trust me I would, but dont have permission to do so at my current residence. My doctor warned me that Health Canada's supply is of poor quality and should be avoided, unless I have no choice. I doubt I could get a designated grower in time before HC's cut off date. I may be wrong and if I am please correct me on this. So if I am left with paying for my meds and cant grow my own or have it grown for me, where would you suggest I purchase from? The cheapest place I could find so far is the cannabisdispensary, they have a couple strains at around $160/oz. Any advice you could give me would be greatly appreciated, be it help finding a dg, or a cheaper source than what I have already found. My prescription is for 7grams per day, or 210 grams per month. Thank you.


New Member
$160 is on "special" , I have no idea if thats what I would pay regularly. I certainly cant afford to fill my prescription at over $1200 a month. I will probably end up only being able to afford half of that, which is ok I guess because I smoke roughly 3-4 grams a day anyhow. If I could fill my prescription though I would switch over to a healthier alternative : edibles. With my income being shot to shit by wcb for the time being, I have to rely on family to purchase my meds for me. So I cant really experiment with edibles unless I have more then what I would normally smoke, because if it doesnt relieve my pain as smoking does - I will be in a whole world of hurt.