New model Pro-grow and Vipars.


Well-Known Member
Pro-grow has a new 400"X" model with a lot of improvements (should be a Magnum Killer).

And it looks like Vipar is about to announce their new models. Their website is being retooled at the moment.

This is what Edward told me about the Vipars at the end of March;

"Yes, we have new models coming out very soon. These new models use secondary optics - In the correct way :) The spectrum is the same as the current spectrum: 440/460/630/660/3000K. The lights are modular (Making for very easy repairs)."

"There are 4 units, each unit designed to match a specific grow area: 2ft x 2ft, 2ft x 3ft, 3ft x 3ft and 4ft x 4ft."



Well-Known Member
Thanks EllyD I was just chatting with Alex and Scotch about those VIPARs. I like the way they're going with their models and naming conventions but they gotta open up about their LEDs. Plus better US distribution would be great. That PGs a monster. Not a lot of fans of monster panels these days it seems.

And Elly, I'm not trying to be a thread Nazi but you could of posted this info in the LED company sticky. But whatever :).


Well-Known Member
ooooffff course... it would only be HH that still crams 200+ diodes in a 3 sq ft panel. igh...

..don't they know? that was so 2010 AHA!

They don't mention WHAT len's are making such a big deal, not even the angle? No mention of the diodes... but by god they ARE UV+IR and H.O. 3-watt's... O and the upgraded cooling system, don't forget that.

"...nearly half the power of our 600 watt HPS, yet was able to produce similar results in a more confined area!..."

Some clever wording there, bucko.. -_-

I can get descriptively "similar" results idk... a Cree bulb, in a "confined" enough space, right Fran? Though i WILL say I like the layout of the diodes in the first picture on gmed

I would really like to know what Vipar actually uses, but the colors are nice, and always in a manageable ballpark. that 2x3" may be may be getting that "piece of meat" look here before long.. IF they've nailed the ideal 2x3" cab panel, and the 3x3....4x4.....shit...