New New Zealand Stoner

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Hey all,

I've been toking for a few years now, used to live in Auckland and relocated to Tauranga sometime last year. I'm 100% sick of driving all the way up to Auckland for my old connects, so I guess I'll stay dry until I've lurked around here and figured out how to cultivate my own little plant. I'm a bit quiet and reclusive, but hopefully I'll be able to contribute to the forums when I've gotten some experience.

Are there any other New Zealanders around here? I hope so, otherwise me namedropping cities is pretty silly.

Have a high day,
some stoner


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm from Auckland too and moved down here 10 years ago.

Used to have connects here when I only smoked, decided to stop buying shit and grow some good shit instead.
Te Puke has some good stuff, 2 cones and I was flying and tripping balls but that was only one time and quite a few years ago when I had less tolerance. Most the stuff I've had from TGA is bad uncured harsh stuff. Your best bet is to get a little grow going with 1 or 2 plants to start off with.

You rural?. Sucks you missed the season but if you read enough through the outdoor section you can start some plants in October-November and we have a better climate down here compared to auckland
Hooray, Kiwis, local ones too!

I'll read over that thread, thanks let's trip, probably post in there when I have more of a feel about how everyone gels together around here.

Te Puke? I guess I could drive down and holler at people on the roadside, but I'm not entirely comfortable with that. :oops: Sounds like you had an awesome time back then, with the condition of the plants you've been posting, you're having a much better time now!

I'm close to central TGA so I don't have the luxury of privacy in suburbia, I'll have to put some effort into making something more discreet. :cool:
Seems like for my first try I'll be grabbing a few autoflower seeds from wherever comes most warmly recommended. With their faster and light-independent flowering coupled with their short height, they seem like a lot of fun to cut my teeth on. I'll definitely read through a few more of the threads on here first though.

Cheers for the greetings guys