New Person, New Attitude

I'm new, so I'd like this to be my official first post and a chance to introduce myself.

I have been doing strange drugs my whole life. I started drinking alcohol at an early age. When I couldn't get real alcoholic beverages, I would buy a big bottle of store-brand Listerine. It is 29.6% safe alcohol. I got completely messed up drinking that stuff. If refridgerated, it's not as bad as you'd think.

I became a cigarette smoker around 18 years old and still smoke to this day. I now make my own cigarettes with tubes and a machine that fills them with tobacco. I would guess I smoke about two packs worth a day.

I had my first marijuana experience when I was about 19 years old. Ever since, I've been trying to get it as often as I can, but it's difficult to get my hands on any.

When I turned 21, I started drinking two 40oz bottles of "Steel Reserve" every single night, which caused me to have all kinds of alcohol withdrawal problems whenever I wasn't drinking. I gained about 80 pounds in less than a year from drinking that beer. I want alcohol out of my life now and stick to weed.

During a period of my life when I didn't have access to marijuana, I experimented with a drug called Dextromethorphan (also known as DXM). It's found in most cough syrups; however, "Robitussin Cough" has Dextromethorphan as the ONLY active ingrediant and is therefore pretty safe when properly used. Two bottles of it send me to the fuckin' moon. It's much more powerful than a marijuana high and can make you hallucinate. I've quit doing that though, because now I do have some limited access to marijuana, which is safer in regard to "long-term" health.

I've done Salvia once, and I absolutely loved it. Salvia is legal here in Arizona, but not in New York or New Jersey. It's too fucking expensive though for something that only lasts a few minutes.

Anyways, I love marijuana and I prefer using my tiny mini-zong when I smoke to get lots and lots of tiny but GOOD hits without even needing to relight the bowl.

It should be illegal NOT to smoke some weed every day. Imagine how peaceful the world would be if everyone just could feel good without having to miserably work for it their whole lives? Sure not as much progress in the world would get done, but why the fuck would anyone care as long as there's weed? lmfao


Well-Known Member

You should definitely look into small scale growing for your own personal supply that way its always available and up to your standards.