They're all ran through the PotPimp server.
ok, since you asked i'll give you the low down on both sites m8.. i'm sure everyone is familiar with pp and that rip off artist ripz... pp was very much a forum like our beloved riu, except they sold beans, more along the lines of a thc farmer if you will.. i was there pretty much from the get go, and things started out great.. even ogr was there for a second or two.. than of course you'd hear grumblings of like what you hear about logic.. money " lost" in the mail, and or orders never sent.. months went by like this.. i always got my orders from ripz, i made exactly two... got my cali connection gear over there ....
anyhoo's, sept 2010 comes along.. ripz starts this big sell, the sept madness sale, in celebration of his getting off for some supposed big grow bust that no one had ever heard of before this... it was a 2 for 1 sale, so lots of people were sending in stacks of cash naturally... all of a sudden, about halfway through sept, no body had heard word from ripz, a few mods came out on the site and told people to stop sending in orders as ripz has been awol for atleast a week or longer as it turns out, and no one has seen nor heard from the man, all of his accounts on skype and others had been erased, and he was simply gone.. well, i'm sure you could imagine the thoughts going through peoples heads, was he busted, wasn't he, blah blah blah...i guess no on ever really came out with any proof one way or another, but general consensus is he took the short road to making paper and bounced with everyones money..
ok, so here's where cannetics starts..........
there was a dude on pp who went by the monicker of admin over there.. he wasn't a mod, and he sure as hell wasn't ripz.. his job over at pp was basic site maintenance and up keep, plus he was the one responsible for the big version 2 that came along after a few months of pp.. nothing more, nothing less.. so admin comes on board pretty much after all of this shit had gone down and asked everybody who was left over there what we all had wanted to do with both pp and ourselves.. did we want to stick around over under the name of pp or did we want to move on, yet be together still as a lot of friendships had been made as i'm sure you can imagine..
the general consensus was that ripz had ruined the pp name for ever, so there was a need to change not only the person steering the ship, but also the name of the ship.. admin said he has setup a new site on the same server and it's now going to be called cannetics, and if it was wanted by us, he would be running the show now... well, of course lots of people had had enough of the scene, some were skeptical that it was just some more bs, so some bounced, some went on to form canna collective, a lot of them were old pp members, a lot of them went over to couch lock cafe, and a core group of us said well thi ship is sinking rather fast, and saw someone standing up and throwing us all a life saver in the middle of this shit storm, so we chose to follow, no questions asked..
cannetics was formed out of the ashes of pp and it's not a seed sales site whatsoever.. admin didn't want anyone who already had rightfully bad ideas in there head about getting ripped off trying to buy seeds again.. SO ABSOLUTELY NO SEED SALES AT CANNETICS WHATSOEVER... so, how are you going to get ripped off if no one is selling you anything exactly, so i bit.. i have been over there since the beginning...
what cannnetics is though is a seed trading site where members like you and me can go on an open forum and trade genetics.. say i have a stock pile of seeds.. i can start a thread and post what beans i have, and than others will come along and look at my seed collection and say they want this or that, they will simply pm me and make an offer on what they want.. i can either accept the offer, or tell them to bugger off.. no one is forcing anyone to do anything they don't want to do... and being that the site is based in the uk, seed trading and collecting is all perfectly legal.. very nice indeed..
i have 21 sucessfull trades over tthere, not once have i not gotten what i've traded for... it's a lovely place, and mr c has been nothing but a super stand up guy from word one, and i have no doubt that he is nor has he even been the one and only ripz as i can sit down and talk to mr c in a normal fashioned way, something i could never do w/ ripz without fear of banning or what have you.. no way is it even close to being the same person..
ok, so than some small breeders have come over to cannetics and offer up free test beans so long as you do a test grow for them etc.. so, what mr c had done is after allowing the breeders to have their gear tested over on cannetics, set up a site where they can now sell their gear at to other non cannetics members.. nothing more, nothing less.. some of the smaller breeders are like
-- London Grower
-- SOG Seeds
-- Leprechaun Seeds
-- Gorrilla Grower
-- Glitch Genetics
-- Eugenics Genetics
-- Sativa Diva
-- Immortal Flower
-- TCVG Shit
-- Dank House Seeds
Amateur Breeders
-- Pollenjock
even rev from skunk magazine and his kos have come along the ranks and will shortly be selling their gear over at cannazon...
anyone have anymore questions, don't be afraid to ask... i'm sure i'll have the correct info for any and all.. thanks for playing along..