New Private Breeder with questions


Well-Known Member
I'm just getting started in making my own crosses/ fems I've done it once with STS, and decided to make my own as many have suggested. So I got the chems, distilled water and made the stock solutions. Mix 1:1 "A" into "B" in an amber bottle to protect from light.
Well when I did it, it turned black. Is it still viable? Is maybe the amber not dark enough to protect the STS? I will be wrapping tape around my little sprayer here before the next batch. I only mix 2 Oz at a time so if it is a loss it not that big a deal. Just wondering because the mix i ordered a couple years ago still sprays clear.
it turns red it turns black grey etc etc. i always forgot how to do it properly :)
i guess i was mixing the part a with distilled water and then mixing in the part b. i’m not a chemist as you can tell but if its black its leaving a black residue everywhere on the plant and stresses them out.