New Purple Power,interesting seedlings


Well-Known Member
hello, just curious if anyone else had grown nirvanas New Purple Power.

i have 3 seedlings going right now(3 of 3 seeds pop'd). Heres the interesting thing, the first true leaves have 3 fingers. everything else i have going(sweet purple, early special, and some bag seed) started with one finger per true leave, and the 2nd set had 3 fingers.

anyone have any insight to this? or ever have anything similar happen?



Active Member
first time grower, but also just germ'd 4 ppower seeds. they are in rockwool as of now will link you a pic when it comes up. good luck wit your grow. any pix?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I have had sweet purple and BB do this from Nirvana.Some of the sweet purple I have going now had that happen early on. The BB was free from them and just bad genetics I think on the BB as its real slow and lanky


Well-Known Member
so my NPP are growing all w/ 3 fingers on 3 sets of leaves sofar. growing nice and fast, very sativa type leaves long and thin, i'll throw some pics up in a half hour or so