New set up preview offered for a meet and greet with the folx


The newest BOBG set up
new location, new configuration
and new strains

My dedicated flower-room is 14.5' x 9.5':

Lighting veg @ 10 Flo Lghts 800 watts
Lighting flower @ 6 HPS 6K watts
Inline fan and canister filter
1 AC unit (window well masked)
2 supplemental AC inlets for additional cooling and co[SUB]2[/SUB] dispersal
Grow System:
5 gallon bucket
Primary DWC
fed by Aero
and Ebbs to rez.
bubble stone per
mesh pot hydroton
1. View attachment 2271359Supplemental AC/CO[SUB]2[/SUB] outlet
2. View attachment 2271360Window AC with directional attachment,
lighting and air exhaust; wall fans
3.View attachment 2271361 Room exhaust and filter; wall thermometre
4. View attachment 2271362bucket system;
clear line through top is for bubblers;
top all black pipe betwix buckets feeder
the lower blue lined pipe is the ebb line
note the height to maintain DWC

5. View attachment 2271363The "skimmer" or what we call the kidney, Ebb catch bucket and away pumps;
One pump force drains the buckets into the orange bucket, a float switch
initiates the pump back to the rez, float switch shuts it off right before empty.
although the feeding is fine, we plan on either a second kidney or larger bucket
drain pump or both to increase feeding options and times for different phases of
a cycle.
** in the background the top manifold is from rez to feeder lines, the bottom is ebb

My dedicated control room is roughly 8' x 9.5'

The control room houses an extra AC for the supplemental AC lines, ballast cooling and rez chilling
6 phantom digital ballasts
MLC 8X multi light controller
70 gallon GH rez
the GH Mega pump, lol, just say its sufficient
2 nice ass compressors
I keep the nutes in this place, feed schedules, calculators and odd supplies. A phuckin control room
1. View attachment 2271364phantom bay
2. View attachment 2271365light fan furthest; supplemental AC fan with 'Y' junction
3. ReznPmp.2Cmprsr.jpgThe rez, the pump, the feeder line, the black ebb line to rez,
compressors, supplemental air thru-way.

veg1b.jpg The strains are Chem Dawg closest two rows, Tahoe OG furthest 2 rows (1 week veg)
Rockwool is 3 cheese beans; 3 Kush; 1 BUKU; 1 Deezle; 2 Afghani

Let Me know what you think Brethren and sistren; if you are here. Lets meld ideas and over grow the system
Peace Love and Light