New SouthPark 15-1 (megavideo)


Well-Known Member
There was a thread not too long ago tha mentioned that movie Human Centipede (I think.)

Nothing like some meds and a new season of Southpark :weed:


Well-Known Member
OMG LMAO........LOL ahahahahhahahahah........LOL. Have not laughed so hard in a long time.


Well-Known Member
Well (spoilers) I lol at the apple part, but the humancentipad meh kinda annoying and that movie=disturbing anyways (which I dont like)


Well-Known Member
Meh didn't think it was that funny. I had no clue the season started lastnight either, i just happend to be flipping thru the channels and saw it just came on.


Well-Known Member
That shit was funny as hell. I saw it twice last night. Anyone watch the Colbert Report? Ice T is still a bad ass mother fucker. He also claimed to be the one who invented gangster rap. Thinking back, maybe he did. I still listen to Bodycount sometimes and all his old shit is on my Ipod also.

lmao The Human Centi Pad




Well-Known Member
Pure gold! South park still manages to crack me up while staying relevant to the times. Workaholics right after is pretty money too