new this is my first grow


i just got this to sprout up i have one more should sprout anytime now this is my first grow i am using miracle grow potting soil i cheap cone shaped light with a flood in it a air purifier blowing control humidity by hanging damp towels temp is at 75 humidity is 65 i am using a 18/6 light cycle i put the seeds down three days ago after soaking in water for 18 hours is this good amount of time for them to sprout these are just bag seeds and if anybody has any helpful tips i would love to hear them i am trying to keep this as cheap as possible i only have 50 bucks in it now will spend more money but not looking to spend a lot until i order good seeds thanks for reading



Well-Known Member
If this "flood" light is incandescent you need a CFL today. Incandescents are worthless even if they make "plant" or "grow" claims.


Well-Known Member
remeber a 100 watts per plant and thats not the equiv actuall watts so if the bulb pulls 23 you would want atleast 5 but more is always better i run 7 23 watters and 4 55 waters on 2 plants 6500k for veg 2700k for flower but its a good i idea to have a mixed spectrum so some 6500ks and some 2700k


i am new to this and i am doing it just so i can see how good of a quality plant i can grow 6500k and 2700k cfl light does the numbers mean different light spectrum


Well-Known Member
not alot but yes you will get heat alot less then the bulb your using tho what do you use for intake/outake


out take is just opening and intake is a fan with tubing run into room the outake is located at the top of the room to help remove rising heat


Well-Known Member
45 is the actuall right and your not gonna need all six right now it would just be a waste i pay 5 bucks each for 55 watters all day at wallmart they are having some sale where i live on all bulbs been going on for like 4 months its great


Well-Known Member
@ase8787 big ups to a first timer with bag seed im doin the exact same thing now lol and i've been lookin @ alot of groites post and just like the many others he's like a pot growin Mcgyver so just keep lookin @ others post an your get more ideas and new techniques on your hobby.