New to growing and thinking of going DWC? Don't


Well-Known Member
If you are a new grower doing under 10 plants and thinking of DWC let me save you a lot of problems, just don't do it. Do Drain to waste with your medium of choice. I could bore you with why and if you are a new grower you aren't going to really get it anyway, but just don't, believe me.

I'll answer a few questions if anybody has any, but my target are new growers who are on the fence, I'm just telling you don't. Some are going to believe me and be thankful (although they will never know it because they won't dick around with DWC) and others aren't and are going to go on to become great growers in DWC (although they could have done it easier, cheaper, with less hassle if they just took my advice). Either way you win in the end.
When you could just do DTW and call it a day


RDWC kicks ass if you have more than 10 plants. Yes it saves you time. Time you could spent looking at your plants as you water them and catch problems early, either way you have to look at your plants, so RDWC doesn't actually save you time if you are growing right.
I do DTW waterfarms. technically a rdwc since it cycles the nutes thru teh sysyem. just 4 at a time. got it set up so i can go away for 2 weeks and come home to happy plants.

but yes, i think DTW is a much better theory for plant health in general. a fresh batch of nutes and a constant pH/EC outweighs the cost of the money for extra nutes IMO
I hear ya, vacations are sweet. But if you want to make awesome weed you can't really be away for 2 weeks. I don't need the world's best weed, I'll take those 2 weeks.
Actually I take that back, under the right circumstances being away from weed is sometimes the best thing to do considering that usually it's the people who fck things up and bring in pests etc. Robots could grow the best weed, just program them and they would kick our ass.
I hear ya, vacations are sweet. But if you want to make awesome weed you can't really be away for 2 weeks. I don't need the world's best weed, I'll take those 2 weeks.

you just need to find a nute mix that is stable for 14 days. it took me awhile to figure that out.

i wouldn't be able to grow weed at all if i had to worry about going out of town for a week or more.
you just need to find a nute mix that is stable for 14 days. it took me awhile to figure that out.

i wouldn't be able to grow weed at all if i had to worry about going out of town for a week or more.

You can automate DTW as well though if you have a drain. With the containers and no drain at the moment I could automate it to give me up to 8 days away. My mothers on the other hand need me every 4 days and there is no way in hell I am every keeping mothers in DWC again.
and still get the yields of dwc.

And this is what I want everybody to understand. There is no system that will give you better yields, so you may as well pick the easiest. And under 10 plants DTW is easiest (as long as you don't mind not going away for more than 4 days).
After doing only 5 soil grows I switched over to DWC with no issues at all...of course there was a learning curve in regards to things like res temps, nutrient dosage, etc etc but it isn't rocket science....maybe it just isn't the right grow style for the OP? DWC certainly isn't for everyone, but there are plenty of newer growers out there that are successful at it. I feel like that may be because unlike soil, you don't have to worry about watering and feeding frequencies, which can be some of the more basic yet frustrating aspects to get down pat in soil growing.
After doing only 5 soil grows I switched over to DWC with no issues at all...of course there was a learning curve in regards to things like res temps, nutrient dosage, etc etc but it isn't rocket science....maybe it just isn't the right grow style for the OP? DWC certainly isn't for everyone, but there are plenty of newer growers out there that are successful at it. I feel like that may be because unlike soil, you don't have to worry about watering and feeding frequencies, which can be some of the more basic yet frustrating aspects to get down pat in soil growing.
totally agree. i like the more technical aspect of hydro and also that you can see and fix problems much faster. i started with DWC and would never think about going to soil. that's for the tomatoes outside.
After doing only 5 soil grows I switched over to DWC with no issues at all...of course there was a learning curve in regards to things like res temps, nutrient dosage, etc etc but it isn't rocket science....maybe it just isn't the right grow style for the OP? DWC certainly isn't for everyone, but there are plenty of newer growers out there that are successful at it. I feel like that may be because unlike soil, you don't have to worry about watering and feeding frequencies, which can be some of the more basic yet frustrating aspects to get down pat in soil growing.

The point isn't that you can't be successful at it, any idiot can. The point is it has absolutely no benefit over DTW for small plant numbers. Plus it costs more to setup, takes more time to clean and reset, has a more weaknesses.
i like the more technical aspect of hydro and also that you can see and fix problems much faster.

You can't "fix" problems any faster in DWC compared to DTW, that's simply not true. And I get that people like to play with stuff because it's a hobby. I would compare it to those silly hats that people wear that hold a beer and you drink through a straw, fun maybe, but you can just drink from the can too.

You can find thousands of threads of people trying to "improve" on stuff and the reality is, they are just playing with toys. All you need is a pot.
You can't "fix" problems any faster in DWC compared to DTW, that's simply not true. And I get that people like to play with stuff because it's a hobby. I would compare it to those silly hats that people wear that hold a beer and you drink through a straw, fun maybe, but you can just drink from the can too.

You can find thousands of threads of people trying to "improve" on stuff and the reality is, they are just playing with toys. All you need is a pot.

In fact, it is true.
In dtw, if youre using promix, coco, or whatever medium nutrient problems take longer to show because of slower nutrient uptake and etc. With promix a ph prob or nute prob wont show for a week or more. Then it takes a week or two to fix. Whereas with hydro of any kind probs show within a day or two... and correction will show in a day or two, if not faster.

I used to do promix, now i do flood and drain. What i learned so far with hydro is when you see a prob you better get the fuck on it in a

As for dwc... i dont know why anyone would bother anymore since rdwc is way more convenient. Maybe if you are just learning to grow and want to start with hydro...and doing one or two plants. More than that... go rdwc....
if you were paying attention to my convo with @Logan Burke , i was comparing DWC to soil as far as fixing problems quickly.

i'm starting to think that you are anti-dwc because you can't figure it out. don't dissuade others because of your shortcomings.

I was intimidated by hydro and stayed away from it for years, but now that im doing it... there really isnt much to figure out. Ph, ppm and water temp. Thats it..
Nutrient uptake is faster in dwc? Who told you that bs?

And remember, I did dwc for 15 plus years. Rocked it, stupid successful. I worked for me because I needed it for security reasons. Lots going for it. But if you live where it’s legal, and not worried about disposal of medium, under 10 plants...then it’s a bad choice and the only reason to do it is for the fun factor. Majority of people will be far better off dtw.
I was intimidated by hydro and stayed away from it for years, but now that im doing it... there really isnt much to figure out. Ph, ppm and water temp. Thats it..

DTW you don’t worry about water temp, another reason it’s better
I was intimidated by hydro and stayed away from it for years, but now that im doing it... there really isnt much to figure out. Ph, ppm and water temp. Thats it..
I do dwc . I ran soil for a while . Switched to dwc to be more in tune . This is my first crack at it and it’s not hard at all . I do 3 buckets a tent . One veg one flower . Yes like any start up it cost .. a bucket and some air line and a pump oh and hydrotron . I can reuse all of it for Future runs . I’m not disagreeing or agreeing to any side . It’s a choice . I DO agree with dude above . Don’t shun dwc because of your run . It’s a people’s choice thing .