New to growing and...


Active Member
I want to go hydro, I have done extensive research on growing techniques and lighting schedules. I was thinking of buying a 150 watt hps/mh growlight and putting it in a small rubbermade shed type thing (around 3 feet high 2.5 feet left to right and 1.5 feet wide) with a 10 gallon res tank for 3 DWC plants that will be in there from start to finish. Can anyone help me with what nutes I should use, how to figure out how much to put in and how often, and what I should use as cooling, I was thinking of using 2 computer fans, 1 for intake and one for exhaust. Would that be enough? I want to start this grow soon and will keep you updated with pics of my set up and grow. Any recommendations or tips would be cool.

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
I dont think 3 feet is tall enough. Your light and whatever you grow in are going to take some space and they need room to grow. The computer fans will work fine. If you do hydro its best to get a tds meter and a ph meter. Start at 400ppm after plants are 3 weeks old then go to 600ppm then 800ppm through veg and 900-1100ppm for flower. Ph between 5.0-5.8 with 5.2 being ideal. Add water or nutes to keep tds constant and change water no less then every 2 weeks. Once a week is recomended. Good luck with your hydro grow! The more light the better. As long as you can keep your space in the 65-85 degree arnge.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking of buying a 150 watt hps/mh growlight and putting it in a small rubbermade shed type thing (around 3 feet high 2.5 feet left to right and 1.5 feet wide) with a 10 gallon res tank for 3 DWC plants that will be in there from start to finish.
So your growing in a 3ft rubbermade shed?
Your gonna have to flower pretty small like 6in maybe or get a lowrider strain..