new to growing, can you tell what strain or anything from these


ive posted this before but on my old account which wasnt working now Some people say you shouldn't use dirt from your yard, but I did because it's good Georgia dirt and my plants are great! I'll post pics soon but anyways my plants are now in their vegetative stage I guess and now on my bigger plant I see white pistils, I knew they were female before but I'm just wondering are these future bud sights and how much longer till I harvest?Image022.jpg I'm growing with a lights of America flourescent cool white tube and two other regular flourescent spiral bulbs. tell me what you think


Well-Known Member
need more light id say

and its gonna be AWHILE before you can harvest 2-3 months

lol that dirt looks weird
you got any nutes?

id suggest you take a couple weeks and read and read and read some more
research goes a long way

but good luck with your grow!