new to growing...simple question on harvest


Well-Known Member
So to harvest you need to turn off the light for a couple days?? I keep reading on this post how growers turn off their light before cutting the buds this necessary? Like turning off the lights to flower or what??


Active Member
No it isn't necessary for harvest. IMO. I recommend harvesting at the end of the dark cycle, on harvest day before the lights come on. I have conducted numerous tests on my buds when they were harvested in mid day and before the lights come on. Cannalyse and cannalytics have both produced similar results in that cannabinoid content (especially thc) is higher before the lights come on. It isn't anything astronomical, like 1-2%.


Active Member
Most people turn the lights OFF for 2-3 days because its said to increase resin production right before the chop...

I'm unsure on the whole thing myself


Well-Known Member
Most people turn the lights OFF for 2-3 days because its said to increase resin production right before the chop...

I'm unsure on the whole thing myself
Some go as long as 7 days of darkness pre-chop - according to the previous things I've read about SIMM, selling medicinal marijuana in Holland, it can raise THC %, but CBD and CBN stay the same, so if that makes a difference as to why you're using it, could be a factor.


Active Member
Also beware that if your plants aren't mold resistant it can increase your chances of botrytis. Happened to me one time out of about 10 times (different strains) of leaving them in the dark for 48 hours. Luckily, I caught it quickly. I read in multiple places that darkness was beneficial and I also noted that it could increase the chance of bud rot. Discarded the bud rot thing, had no issues except that one time. Now I just chop at the end of the light cycle.