New To Growing


Active Member
Well the other day I decided to start growing. I found a really good spot with lots of sunlight. One of my friends said to get a big pot and put the seed in it and just let it grow in there. So I got a medium sized pot and some organic potting mix. I realize its late in the season but i have a couple seeds from some bud that i had and so i figured what the hell why not try it now. Is there anything else i need to get and is there anything i am doing wrong so far? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum.

Other than starting outdoors now??

What do you expect to acheive?


Active Member
I know it probably won't do anything but i just want to see if i can get it to sprout. I got these seeds for free. I just want to learn to grow them now and get set up for it so when the next season comes around I will be ready. I would love to see a little plant sprout so then I know i have done something right.