new to growing


Active Member
just started growing about a month ago, dont no much about it , just want advice and tips, want to become a good grower, i have pictures if anyone wants to see


Active Member
just started growing about a month ago, dont no much about it , just want advice and tips, want to become a good grower, i have pictures if anyone wants to see

Not to be an A-HOLE or anything, but read some STICKYS... alot of good info there


Active Member
i have read lots of things on here, just wanting people to give me advice on my own grow, i got pictures up now


Well-Known Member
The best advice anyone can give you is what TOMMYHOBBY has already said.

Read some of the sticky's at the top of the newbie central forum. That is why they are there!

These are tried and tested ways to help you out that work which is why they have been sticky'd



I'm only on my first grow as well but I would suggest picking up a grow" bible" or two, even a couple magazines possibly, I got 4 of them and 1 specializes in indoor grows. As far as tips or tricks I'm at the same place, sorry if this didn't help much.


Well-Known Member
Here is the best advice I know. Take what you read on here with a grain of salt until you have your short list of people who know what they are talking about. You can ask whats 2+2 on here and get 32 different answers from 32 different user that will hijack your thread and turn it into a debate.