new to growing


Active Member
im new and i got 3 plants just want to have weed to smoke im in at about 8 days and i just wanted to no if theres away to no if it the right time to flower a female


Well-Known Member
you gots a long way to go kiddo. I started to flower at 5 weeks and that can be considered early for some. most people wait until their plants have 9-11 leafs on each node, which i also had. also, mine were about a foot tall when i started to flower.

Also, the plants dont start to show their sex until a week or so into flowering. males show it first and once they do, kill (or just separate them and make hash from the leavs!)those suckers for some good sensi.

Read the growFAQ like its your job and you'll learn alot.

Happy growing! :peace:


Active Member
ok well i got to plants tha look the same but it only been 9 days but the 3d one is taller but the stem is thin and the 2 leafs go strait up but on the other plant the leafs lay flat ill get some pics


Well-Known Member
it depends on how much space you have when you want to flower also cause they will double or triple in size if you are restricted with height check out LST now while there still young