new to hydro is my ec pen faulty


Hey guys I have a grow gadgets budget ec meter and also some calibration fluid which has a EC of 1.417.
When I put the EC pen in the fluid it gives me 0.65 so i turned the screw at the back to calibrate it to up the value to 1.41 since this meter only has 3 digits so I am assuming 1.41 is what I should be reading however the pen only calibrates up to 0.92 and nothing higher.

the manual states it has ameasuring range of 0-9990ec with a resolution of 1ec.

am I doing something wrong or is the ec pen faulty? surely it should say 1.41 when in the calibration solution?
Check if it has a EC/PPM setting. If it's on PPM/500 scale it would measure half the EC value.
Most likely, it doesn't and is junk.
Try an Inkbird unit, they have temp compensation feature for cheap. Stainless probes for food use also.
UK link for you, like your supplier, Grow Gadgets.
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Check if it has a EC/PPM setting. If it's on PPM/500 scale it would measure half the EC value.
Most likely, it doesn't and is junk.
Try an Inkbird unit, they have temp compensation feature for cheap. Stainless probes for food use also.
UK link for you, like your supplier, Grow Gadgets.
It has no EC/PPM setting it just has a display with 3 digits and above that is the number 10 in small.
After looking at other pictures of this ec pen from some other brands it has us/cm above the digital display so I assume that is what it is measuring in?
If so how do I convert that to EC?
I'd scrap that thing. HM Digital COM-80 is a good meter for $30 USD. EC and PPM in all ranges, digital calibration, temp comp.
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