New to Hydro, is this normal growth?


If you look in between the nodes, it has a bump. Almost like it is starting to show sex! These seedlings were in soil for 2 weeks and had gotton a (Accidental) dose of full strength nutes in feeding, causing bad nute burn! So I transplanted them into a top feed drip hydro system with hydroton for a median(To flush). The seedlings were in shock for about a day and a half! Then started to recover really well. Then today, I noticed these bumps in the nodes, almost like the dreaded ball sacs! Let me know if I am wrong please! By the way the lighting is 24/0 still no feedings yet! They shouldn't be showing sex yet, and with those lighting conditions? right?



looks like new leaf, it has to alternate nodes before it's mature enough to show sex
That is when I usually put my soil grows into 12/12. I just cant believe the difference in growth when it comes to Soil vs Hydro growing. The growth is different, more rapid. Somewhat making the plants grow different(For Me)! I feel like I am starting over! Thanks for reply! One thing is for sure. I will never touch dirt again!!!