thats a good question as far as what type. if your good with soil you can go ahead and stick to that and while doing so, at the same time you can get your feet wet with just one 5 gal bucket to try your hand at dwc.
youll need a bucket with a lid.
an air pump, not a hydro over priced pump, a dual outlet aquarium pump for 20gal will work for the 5 gal bucket
2 air stones and black air line.
a 1 inch net cup and a rock wool cube.
2lb bag of maxi bloom fert.
set up should be less than 30 bucks.
the expensive parts will be a ppm meter and ph meter. i would recommend a digital ph meter because the chem type that you match the colors up with according to a chart dont work very well with the nutrient solution its self is colored.
ppm meters can be expensive, id look up reviews before settling on one.
there are guides on here for DWC, but the basics are this:
plant roots sit in fertilizer water with air being pumped into the water so the roots can breathe, just like fish breath in an aquarium with an air pump. You use the pH meter to measure pH to tell when the plant needs more nutes. pH goes up, give more nutes, pH goes down, give more water. The ppm is to keep track of whats going on in the nute solution so you know when you need to change out the water.
plants can grow much much faster in dwc as you can keep a steady amount of nutes to he plant and can flush easily if you need to by replacing the nutrient solution with plain water.