New To Hyrdo - Few Random Questions/Horror Story


Active Member
I was about 4 weeks into my first hydro grow when the unthinkable happened - one of the tubes going to the control bucket fell out and flooded the my landlords business ... Thankfully i got everything cleaned up and created a good enough excuse for why that much water sitting water was in the apartment in the first place lol So now that they have the suspensions of something fishy going on so its time to move. When i move into my new place i want to get my system back up and running and thats why i need a few questions asked while their still fresh in my mind

1. Before i had to close up shop everything was going great ... My plants were beautiful color and size... It was a shame to get rid of them :( I was having alot of PH problems though. I had to add PH down on a regular basis.. I had a 50L reservoir and was using all Advanced nutrient products and have a bucket hydroponic system...I was using Sensi bloom A&B, Humic and Fulvic Acid, Carboload, Sensizym, Big bud Powder,and H2O2... Ive read in other threads that light effects ph level drastically so i made sure there was little to no light access the reservoir. I also read that h2o2 would help with PH balance - But it has not... My PH would spike from 5.6 to 6.5 overnight.... Any suggestions on how i can control my ph levels without purchasing a ph doser? Or why it is spiking so much?

2. I noticed that in the bottom inch of all the buckets there is always a bit of water and some kind of slimy residue that builds up after a few days. Is this normal? should i be worried ? could this be causing the PH problem? Will it effect the plants health and yield?

3. From all the books and movies i have watched they always say the roots should be a bright white if they are healthy... With the humic acid and other chemicals the reservoir the water is a dark brown color and it turns the roots the same color... Should i be ignoring the bright white rule?

4. If i wanted to expand my bucket system from a 6 site unit to a 20 site bucket system... Could i still only use one reservoir? Whats the max number of buckets ideally you should have in a system?

5. Does anyone know where i can buy a control bucket that comes with the timer and automatic shutoff ? Ive looked everywhere and cant seem to find just the control bucket without the rest of the system.

6. What is the typical yield for a bucket system per plan? I know it varies depending on strain but just roughly.. I was growing 3 Diesel plants and was hoping to get 3/4 lb. was this realistic?

Anyways... If anyone could answer a few of my many questions i would be oober greatful



Active Member
I think you would need atleast a 600W HPS to get 3/4 lb and maybe another plant depending on how much you have vegged them.


Well-Known Member
So let's see here if we can figure out this problem...
1.) You shouldn't need a pH doser. There is something going on that is causing it to fluctuate that much in such little time. What kind of water are you using, distilled (RO) or tap?
2.) The slime should NOT be there. There is a very good possibility that this is also contributing to the pH problems. You said little to no light... It has to be 150% NO LIGHT!!!! And be sure of it. Also, res temps are critical. They should b ekept under 70 degrees, no higher. I know some people say it can go to 72 or even 75, but I know from personal experience that root rot starts at around 72. Will this affect yield??? :hump:
3.) I use Flora Nova, which has humic acid in it. It will stain my roots a little brown, but you have to know what root rot looks like. It can be clear or brown, but it is always slimy and begins to cover the roots. If there appears to be a slime or film when you take them out of the water, this is root rot.
4.) I'm not sure about this, i don't have this type of setup, so I don;t want to give you misinformation.
5.) Did you try
They are the best for equipment along with the best prices. For the chemicals, buy from
6.) It can be anywhere from 1/4lb to 1/lb. And it can even be less or more than that. It just depends on how well you grow. If you do well, expect at least 1/4 lb per plant for your first time. You should be happy with that.