New to indoor growing, please help (ventilation setup)


Active Member
I'm sure this is asked daily. but I am extremely new to indoor growing and I have some questions about proper ventilation.

I have a 400w Hydrofarm sunburst with digital ballast, and a 3x3x6.5 Hydrohut silver edition grow tent.

I plan on getting the sunburst cooling fan system (which puts out 100CFM)

I also plan on getting a carbon filter but I'm not sure which one I need for the space I have assuming I get this, I will have to get another fan to put out more CFM

I'm looking for a fan with very quiet operation or an active air blower. I have heard that active air blowers are pretty quiet, has anybody used these?

My question is, am I on the right track? And once i figure out all the things i need, how exactly is a ventilation system set up in a grow tent?