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I have a few pots out doors. They were started from clones and were doing pretty well. Then there was a lapse in the watering department when they were 10 inches high and it nearly screwed them. This was the middle of June. I was asked to take them to see if they could be salvaged. These little ladys were imediately transplanted into their large pots and they took right off. Everything was happy. About the end of July it seemed that they were slowing down compared to what their growth rate had been. One of the girls was taller than the rest all along and now I notice that the ends of the branches and leaf stems are a red color. Here it is near the end of August and it is hardly making a move to bud up. Defiinitely not a boy! The others have begun to bud however the fan leaves seem to have a problem. They are dropping off real fast. Like I have never had happen before. Could this be caused fom there near death experience????? What do you think on this guys and gals?