New to the site have a few Q on flood times


Hello, New to the site and to ebb and flow been doing dirt this is my first water system Its off to a great start I started out hand feeding them and flooding the table. Im using grow rocks in smart bags with botanicare nutrients how many times a day should I flood and how long should the flood last? Thanks


Hello, New to the site and to ebb and flow been doing dirt this is my first water system Its off to a great start I started out hand feeding them and flooding the table. Im using grow rocks in smart bags with botanicare nutrients how many times a day should I flood and how long should the flood last? Thanks

another thing should i have something covering the rocks to block the roots from the light

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
I'm not sure on flood times but yes cover the rocks. I'm running a dwc style and noticed considerable growth when I blocked light from roots/water. Good luck!


Thanks for the reply from what I read 3 or 4 times a day on the flood by the time it floods and drains 20 min or so I guess should be good. What would be good to cover the rocks? I was thinking the smart pots would work If I cut some up but must be a cheaper way then that.